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I just want to say that English is not my first language so sorry for the mistakes I made but I hope you still enjoy reading it :)

"This year is going to be different," I said looking at myself in the mirror, "this year I'm going to be happy."

I never really had a good time in high school or wherever I went. I was always the fat quiet girl who got bullied, who never got asked to parties and barely had friends. Most of the time I would sit alone during lunch and be miserable. But this year is different, during the summer I lost a lot of weight and and my parents and me moved to New York for my dad's job because he got promoted. New city, new me, right.

This year I'm going to be the most carefree teenager in the world and do whatever the hell I want, like nothing bad ever happened to me, like I've never been screwed over by all those people. Like those scars never existed. This year I'm going to feel good about myself. I took a glance in the mirror and smiled in approval. Today was my first day of school, so I had to look presentable to say the least.

I walked down the stairs, nervous as hell, and looked at my parents who were eating breakfast. My mother smiled at me. "You should eat something." she said and my dad nodded his head in agreement. "I can't," I replied playing with the hem of my shirt. "I'm way too nervous." My parents looked at me with understanding eyes. "So I'm just going to go." I walked to my parents, gave them both a kiss on the cheek and took my car keys from the table.

I walked out the door and got in my car, took a deep breath and drove off. I'm concentrating on the road so my mind wouldn't think about all the horrible stuff that could happen when I get there. I sighed, I shouldn't be thinking about that. I'm just going to get in that school and try to make friends as fast as I can. When that thought went through my mind I drove my car in the school parking lot. I took another deep breath, took my backpack from the backseat and stepped out of my car. I closed my car and the second I turned around, I bumped into someone. Shit.

I looked up to see a beautiful girl with blonde hair and piercing blue eyes staring down at me. Shit. "I'm s-so sorry," I stuttered, playing with the hem of my shirt. That's something I do a lot whenever I get nervous. "I wasn't looking." I'm scared to look at her, but do it anyway.

She stood there with a little smile dancing around her lips.

I frowned, "What?" I asked, still looking at her. "You're like this scared little girl, I don't bite. You're new right? I've never seen you before." I looked at her, stunned because she's so sweet. I smiled. "Yeah, my name's Allison." I said, looking a bit shy. "Nice t meet you! Do you need to get your schedule?" She asked grinning like we were best friends since kindergarten. I nodded my head.

"I'll bring you and show you around a little bit too." She said grabbing my hand and dragging me with her, but then she just stopped and turned around, looking at me. "Oh and by the way, I really like your outfit." She smirked and started to drag me across the school's parking lot again.

I was a bit taken aback by her sudden action, but started smiling like an idiot when that thought was gone. I looked at my outfit. So I did do good, I thought with a grin walking behind Sarah.

"So my friends are the best, you'll probably meet them during lunch. I'm actually glad that you bumped into me, you're really cool and now I have a new best friend." She kept rambling on and on about all these things that I couldn't keep up with, but I liked it.

She stopped talking and pushed me a bit so I could talk to this lady for my schedule. "Hi, my name is Allison Olivia Jones, I'm here to pick up my schedule?" I asked shyly, looking into her eyes. "Yes, right," the lady said enthusiastically, handing me the paper. "Have fun on your first day," she said in a sweet voice, I just nodded.

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