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Robyn couldn't believe she out of thousands of other students was picked for a solo performance for a big showcase Juilliard has at the end of the year. Only a few are picked for solos and this meant they had such strong faith in her. She just had to come up with the best routine of her life, she couldn't wait to tell her best friend who also happens to be her young sister.

Renee is 4 years younger and just like her following her dream to become a big artist in singing and dance, Renee wanted to become a model and she is now one of the best out there today.

Robyn thought maybe she should share the news with her husband first. Michael Brooks and her were high school sweet hearts. He is now a big time private lawyer, many woman look at him and want him but Robyn trusted her husband he shows her nothing but love. She really lucked out to have been blessed with such a great family, even though her father was sadly no longer with them, that didn't stop them from accomplishing everything they have every wanted and more.

Robyn decided to drive over to her husband's office to tell him how her dream is about to come full circle.

Walking into building everyone seem to be gone, arriving on her husband's floor even his P.A is gone. Entering without knocking, she couldn't believe her eyes, eyes that were already full of tears.

She felt her heart physically break at the sight in front of her, Renee her own sister was on top of Michael, he had his hands grabbing on her tits. The next thing she hears is Renee begging for her husband to cum inside her. Robyn became physically sick and it was at that time the two she thought were her best friends notice she was in the room, only because she had ran to his private bathroom.

Michael was the first to say something making it seem like she was in the wrong, "What are doing here Robyn? Your suppose to be at school."

As she is wiping off her hands she stood there, in one spot with her eyes close wishing for someone to wake her up from this nightmare.

After 2 seconds with eyes full of tears looking at her husband and her butt ass naked little sister, "I am your wife Michael and I come here and find you fucking my sister yet you try to make me feel like I'm the problem."

He looks over at Renee moving his head to tell her to put on some clothes, "Robyn we never meant for you to find this way."

"Find out this way, how long have you and her....?"

"Long enough for her to be four months pregnant."

That did it for her, if there was a limit that was it, "You told me that children were not in the cards right now. You selfish fucking asshole you made me have an abortion just 7 months ago, you bastard! Oh my God I think I'm going to be sick again."

Renee now dressed in Michael's shirt comes back to the bathroom door, "Robyn stop being dramatic, shit happens okay. It just so happens that you put on a little weight and totally turned off your husband. On top of that your still chasing this dream of becoming an entertainer. Honestly I care for you big sis but your not all that good of a dancer or singer. Sorry but truth hurts sometimes, at least it's coming from me and not some stranger."

Shaking her head still in shock, "You are a stranger, I don't know this person standing here."

Fed up with the both of them, "I got to get out of here, I'm going home. Michael I suggest you make it home as well to claim your stuff before I make it all a' waiting to exhale' demonstration."

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