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As Robyn and Dean drive to the home of Cynthia she couldn't help but think about the only reason they were attending the repast was because Renee someone she use to call her best friend and little sister was going to kill her husband. Michael Brooks, a man that not long ago she to called him the love of her life, until the two got together and at the time she thought shattered her heart, which resulted in a pain that she thought would never end. That was until she met Dean and realized Michael was never her future or her forever. He was just someone to show her want she wanted out of true love and how to never settle. At the same time it seem like Michael has learned of the colossal mistake he made but he also see that he's way to late. She don't wish harm to him or his family, seems he has enough drama but she had to admit to herself before she had moved on she did pray a little for something to happen. Nothing like this she just wanted him to feel the pain he caused her, you know just a little taste of karma.

Dean sees Robyn deep in thought so of course he was curious to know what she was thinking, because today is on going emotional, mentally testing day for her. So as he parks the car he ask her what has her so mentally taken?

"Nothing just thinking about what is about take place, just crazy right?"

"Yes, I would have to agree, but also I am use to this kind of thing due to my job. On the other hand this is the first time where it hit very close to home. Everything will be okay just remember that we are in this together and hold each other up."

Robyn smile back at Dean due to his response, he always know what to say to keep for falling. Seeing that they have reach their destination they exit the car and head inside. The two of them was thinking the same thing, that they hope this plan works and they catch the bad guy as people say but at the same time stop another murder from happening.


Renee was in her mother's kitchen pacing back and forward waiting to hear back from Justin saying to herself out loud, "What the fuck is taking him so long? It's been almost an hour, he should be done by now."

Just as she was saying that in walks Justin, "Finally! What the hell took you so long?"

Justin looked at her in disbelief shaking his head, "Well sorry killing someone and trying not to get caught takes time." He says as he's taking out some photos of the act that was committed.

Renee takes the pictures whiles at the same time looking at him in a strange way, "What's with this, why not just use your cell, I told you no paper trail."

"Well maybe you need to watch more crime shows then you would learn how cell phones are the main thing that help criminals get caught. When you print pictures yourself they can be burned and the hard drive can be thrown away leaving no trace."

Renee felt like Justin was trying to be a smart ass which was something that pissed her off, "Whatever, I'm not stupid, I know that but I also know that's what delete is for. Duh."

"Ya, if that was true then you would know that even when you delete something it not really deleted it's still stored in the hard drive where it can be found. Any way look I did what you asked, but you need to act fast because you do have a child in the home that is being unattended at the moment."

Renee really wasn't thinking about that, "He'll be fine, I have a strong kid and also there nothing wrong with a little cry from time to time, it a toughen him up. Wow! you really went in on Clare, I love it. That a teach that gold digging bitch to try and play wife and mother to my family."

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