14: our dance

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the heel of my black shoe tapped against the wooden floor below me as i sat on my bed. my head spun with some cruel thoughts that i couldn't leave the house with. this night was going to be a disaster and i knew it. making adele upset is the primary source of my nervousness because i value her feelings more than i do my own. she's all i live for. she's the only light i've ever known in this dark world.

standing to my feet i felt all of those thoughts start to fade away. our families are meeting up at a restaurant before the two of us go on our way to homecoming. usually somebody would go with a group of friends and their dates but adele and i had other priorities. constance stood at the door with the rest of her family and waited for me. we packed into our car and went off to the restaurant where i'd finally get to see adele in her red dress.

walking into the fancy room the first thing that caught my eye was her. adeline roads valkit. she was beaming with joy as she spoke to her parents at the large and empty table. our family joined together when the waitress showed us over to the table. i sat beside the girl of my dreams and couldn't take my eyes off of her. "hi," she blushed and looked away from me. i felt almost embarrassed but i couldn't look away. she was stunning.

"tate, darling, leave the poor girl alone." constance reaches over the table and tries to get my attention. "i'm so glad the few of us could finally meet."

"you look amazing," i confessed and leaned back in my chair. adele looks over to me and smiled softly. her hand raised and she ran her fingers through my messy hair.

"you do too." we continued our evening dining and i was surprised to see the two families actually get along. adele's mom even came to the dinner even though she's been suffering from some form of depression.

soon enough we finished eating and just talked. there wasn't much to really take in from the conversation. adele and i just sat and listened. occasionally we would intervene if it were a story about us but other than that we just listened.

adele and i said our goodbyes and left for the school. we took her car to the school and when she saw the banner that hung across the main entrance of the school she began to tear up. "adele.." she looked to me with a smile.

"i'm not sad. happy tears." i wiped them away anyway and kissed her nose. our fingers intertwined as we walked inside of the loud gym. her grip on my hand tightened as the music blasted through speakers and people mobbed around the corners.

"i'm here," i reminded her and squeezed her hand back. "i'll go get us a drink, are you okay here?" she nods and let's go of my hand. i grabbed two red solo cups and filled them up with the fruit punch the school provided. when i turned around i saw adele talking with some other guy she must know from another one of her classes. she never talks about her other friends so i always suspected she didn't really have any.

my eye twitched and my thoughts became unbearable as i watched her smile and laugh with him. the drink in my right hand crushed under pressure from my clenched fists and the liquid inside spilt all over the floor. finally i snapped out of it and threw the cup away. i walked back over to adele and handed her the only cup i had with me.

"thanks, tate." she smiled up to me and took a sip of her drink. "oh, this is matthew," she beamed and gestured over to the taller guy standing beside her. i stared deeply into his eyes but didn't offer a smile or a nod.

"i should get going back to the boys," matthew says and goes on his way back to his "boys". adele wrapped her fingers around my tie and smirked.

"when i saw this tie i knew it would be perfect." she looked up to me and bit her bottom lip. "isn't it?" i bobbed my head yes and looked away to the people dancing. "do you wanna dance?" there was a hint of worry in her voice that made me slightly nervous. i knew she was scared to dance because she couldn't move as freely as the others but she was perfect in my eyes. i didn't care if she couldn't dance as crazy as other people, i just cared that she wanted to be here and that in her heart she wished she could.

"come on," i beamed and grabbed her hand. we walked out to the dance floor after she threw her cup away. her oxygen tank sat beside her as we danced. all of those negative thoughts and emotionless days always seemed to fly away whenever i was with adele. she made me wish i could forever stay this young with her. "i don't know why you were so worried," i say and spin myself around.

"what do you mean?"

"dancing. you're great." she laughed and looked around to watch all the other girls in the crowd. i caress her cheek and pull her attention back to us. "this is our dance, adeline roads. not theirs." i could tell that me saying that made her become more comfortable. she had this glimmer in her eye whenever she looks at me that just drives me crazy.

a slow song began to play and she looked to me with a grin as i pulled her closer to me. it wasn't like we hadn't danced millions of times like this. i can't deny the fact that she's my first love, and i feel like she at least likes me like that too. there's no doubt we have some type of chemistry. she sighed and leaned in slightly, wanting to kiss me but fighting the urge. a smile spread across my lips as i leaned in, taking full charge in what the two of us both wanted. she jerked out of my arms but it wasn't because of what i was planning on doing.

people gathered around her as she sat on the floor. someone had knocked her oxygen tank over and the cord connected ripped her backward and pulled her down onto the floor. "people are trying to dance, bitch. your tank is a hazard." i picked adele up from the floor and helped adjust her oxygen back into the right place.

"someone get your girl before i have to," i shouted and pointed to the girl who knocked adeline over. adele placed her hand on my chest and tried to pull me away from the scene.

"what're you going to do? fight me? you're pathetic." the girl scoffed and turned back around to dance with the rest of her fake friends. "i don't know what you see in her anyway... you'll never get her in bed, she's too weak. she'll probably die before she could even orgasm." adeline pushed the girl to the ground and wiped away her own tears.

"i hope you never get blessed with some type of disease that burdens you with the chore of carrying one of these around. i'm dying you skank." adele spit on the ground beside the girl and made her way out of the gym through the back doors. everyone looked at me as if i was the one who pushed the bitch down and put her where she belonged.

"she's a lot tougher than she looks," i chuckled and followed quickly behind adele. i had never seen that side of her. she was always so sweet and innocent. she sat on a bench in front of the school and continued to wipe her tears away on her arm.

"i'm sorry, tate. i'm sorry i ruined your perfect night." she sighed and looked back to me as i walked over to her.

"you didn't ruin my night," i say and sit beside her. my arm laid across her shoulders and i pulled her closer to me. "you made my night perfect." she hummed and slightly sat up to look at me. we both leaned in and pressed our lips together. she smiled when our lips connected and pulled away with that same smile. her tear stained cheek pressed against mine as she softly rested her forehead against the side of mine. she kissed my cheek and wrapped her arms around my torso as we sat on this wooden bench.

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