Finding The Cure

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Spiderman lands on Osborn building. An walks in. Spiderman what are you doing here "Harry said in anger". Where's Norman Osborn! "spiderman shouted". There's no way I, m telling you spiderman "Harry replied". Harry go to your room "Norman said". Harry walks out of the scene. I need a cure for poison Norman "spiderman said". Let me guess spiderwoman is infected with it, I can't help you if you don't know the name of the poison "Norman said". The name of the poison is skull poison "spiderman said". I can try to make the cure but she'll have to stay here " Norman said". Fine, but I, m staying here too " spiderman said". I, ve never seen you this angry and filled with rage spiderman "Norman said". Perhaps you two have a special relationship "Norman said". Even if we did Norman it would be non of your business "spiderman replied". OK, I will get to work "Norman said". But you have to find the ingredients for the cure "Norman said". I, ll do whatever it takes to save her "spiderman said". Good "Norman replied".

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