Attack Of The Symbiote Part 1

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Hammerhead escaped and we still need to track down the symbiote "spiderman said". Your right about that but we still haven't figured out where the Avengers disappeared to "Spiderwoman said". Speaking of that we both need to get to school " spiderman said". I think your right "Spiderwoman said".
The school bell rings
Today school was so boring and tiring "Peter said". Well we're about to do more, because I, ve finally tracked down the symbiote "Jessica said". Come on down we really need to go " Peter said". Of course, we need to get that symbiote before hammerhead does!! "Jessica said". Fine then "Peter said". Alright let's head to Avengers tower tonight "Jessica said". 5 hours later
Are you sure we're at the right place "spiderman said". Of course we are "Spiderwoman said".
There it is "spiderman said". The Symbiote see's a person and merges with him. I think we have a problem " Spiderwoman said". The Symbiote see's spiderman and spiderwoman. Eh, I think it's a good time to fight "spiderman said". Spiderwoman blasts the symbiote but it regenerates. OK, I forgot to mention that the only way we can defeat the symbiote is by making high sound waves "spiderman said".

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