The Explosion

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Alright here's a list of things we will require to make this cure, some of them will require you to go out of the city if you are willing to "Norman said". I will "spiderman replied". OK, you are free to start spiderman "Norman said". Spiderman strokes spiderwoman's face and flee's  the scene. Now where do I start "spiderman said". So the first thing in Norman's list is....... Spiderman's spidersense tingles and he dodges goblins bomb. Goblin what are you doing here "spiderman said". Really spiderman, what do you think I, m doing here "goblin said". Causing crime "spiderman said". Why don't you give up fighting crime spiderman "goblin said". Goblin throws a bomb at Osborn building. Noooooooo!!!!!!!!"spiderman shouted ". Goblin flee's the scene. Spiderman rushes inside the destroyed Osborn building. Jessica!!!" spiderman shouted ".

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