A Tied Up Situation

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3 days later
OK, Harry I, ll see you later "Peter said". Peter runs into the café. Hey Jessica, sorry I, m late "Peter said". I called you here because I managed to track down hammerhead "Jessica said". Great we're do we start "Peter said". Spiderman and spiderwoman land on the roof of hammerhead's base. Alright let's go I " spiderman said". Spiderman and spiderwoman sneak inside. Spiderman sounds the alarm mistakenly. Spiderman and spiderwoman fall for a trap. This leads them tied up. So I finally caught the two spider heroes, Spiderman and Spiderwoman "hammerhead said". Don't try to break out of the rope, it's no ordinary rope it is a energy suckage, so it sucks your energy so it's impossible to break free "hammerhead said".we need to make a plan" Spiderwoman said ". I think your right" Spiderman said ". I think I have an idea" spiderwoman said ". Your such a coward hammerhead, I mean you couldn't even defeat us you just chose to trap us cause your scared of us, you couldn't even find a symbiote" spiderwoman said ". Your just trying to get in my head" hammerhead said ". What I, m trying to say is that your afraid that a woman will kick your little..." spiderwoman said ". Enough!!" hammerhead replied ". I mean you couldn't even keep together your family, you don't even have the guts to find us" Spiderwoman said". Hammer head releases the rope, punches spiderwoman and picks up his blaster and points it at spiderwoman. What a waste of beauty "hammerhead said". Spiderwoman blasted hammerhead. This isn't over " hammerhead said". Hammerhead flee's the scene with his jet pack. That was rude " spiderman said".

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