Rise Of The Octopus

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2 days later
So what do we do now " spiderman said". Sorry Pete I, ve got science class with doctor octavius, so I, ll see you tonight "Spiderwoman said". Sorry doctor octavius I, m late "Jessica said". Today class is canceled "octavius said". Why "Jessica said". Perhaps you can help me in the lab" octavius said ". Sure" Jessica said ". Jessica enters the lab. Octavius locks the labs door. Eehh, why did you lock the door" Jessica said ". Jessica, you know how your my favorite and most clever student" octavius said ". Octavius shows Jessica his octopus tech. Sorry doctor octavius I can't do this I have somewhere to be" Jessica said ". Your not going anywhere" octavius said ". I wonder where Jessica said" Peter said ". She said that she would meet me tonight" Peter said ". You are going to help me activate this tech" octavius said ". Octavius strokes Jessica's face. Maybe I should check on Jessica" Peter said ". Peter see's his phone ring. Peter answers his phone. Hey Jessica what's up" Peter said ". Look, I'm stuck in octavius's lab" Jessica said ". What do you mean stuck" Peter said ". Octavius is upsessed with me, and his forcing me to activate illegal tech" Jessica said ". Alright I, ll be there but as spiderman" Peter said ". Please hurry up, he's about to make me activate his final weapon" Jessica said ". I'll be right there" Peter said ". Calling someone" octavius said ". Octavius snatches then destroy's Jessica's phone. Your gonna help me activate my final weapon" octavius said ". Your a sick man octavius" Jessica said ". Spiderman sneaks into the school. OK, now to find Jessica and octavius" Peter said ". If only I could use my powers to get out of this situation, but then I would expose my secret identity" Jessica thought to herself ". But I wouldn't if he doesn't see me attack him, if only I could contact Peter to tell him I, ve got everything under control" Jessica said ". Spiderman breaks down the lab door. OK, octavius it's over" Spiderman said ". Octavius puts on his tech. You can call me doc oc spiderman" octavius said ". Doc oc thrashes spiderman onto a wall. You, ll pay for interrupting me and my love" octavius said ". Jessica blasts octavius from behind and knocks him unconscious. I'm not your love octavius" Jessica said ".

Authors Note
Hey guys, what's up. Personally I wanted to discontinue the story but I don't like discontinuing books so I'm ending the story here. Don't worry, I have a new book that's coming soon and it's named A Place I Used To Call Home. But there is a way for me to continue the book if you guys want me to continue the book please write it in the comments and I will continue. Thanks guys please vote and follow  me and read my new book coming soon.

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