The Missing Heroes

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5 hours later
Spiderman lands on the window of Avengers tower. OK, the building looks empty " spiderman said". Spiderwoman lands on the roof of Avengers tower. Peter, what are you doing here " spiderwoman said". The Avengers chose me to be a part of the team " spiderman said". Seriously, they chose you too "spiderwoman said". Let me guess they chose you too "spiderman said". The computer scanner scans spiderman and spiderwoman. Access granted "computer scanner said". Peter and Jessica enter the Avengers tower. I wonder why the Avengers are not here " spiderwoman said". Computer, where are the Avengers " spiderwoman said". The Avengers have gone to a mission 5 hours ago" computer said". Thor never leaves his hammer when going to a mission "spiderwoman said". And iron man never leaves his iron suit when going to a mission "spiderman said". The crime alert alarms. I think we have to go now "spiderwoman said". Looks like hammerhead strikes again "spiderman said". We have to stop him "spiderman said". We can't stop him if we don't know what he's trying to do first "spiderwoman said". We need to split up " spiderman said". We need to find and use that symbiote " hammerhead said". Spiderwoman overhears hammerhead's plan.

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