Attack Of The Symbiote Part 4

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Stop Peter, this isn't you " Spiderwoman said". Shut up!!! "Venom said". I, ve known you for a week's but yet it's like I, ve known you for years and I know that this isn't you, you have to fight it, I don't want to hurt you "Spiderwoman said". Aaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh!!!must fight symbiote " Peter said". Spiderwoman picks up the sound Ray and Activates on Venom. Aaaaaaahhhhhhh "Spiderman screamed". The Symbiote goes off spiderman and flee's. Peter are you okay "Spiderwoman said". Ya "spiderman said". Thanks for the save "spiderman said". But the symbiote escaped "Spiderwoman said". But at least we're still alive "spiderman said".

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