Attack Of The Symbiote Part 2

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The sound Ray "Spiderwoman said". But that's all the way back at Avengers tower "spiderman said". Peter can you handle this alone "Spiderwoman said". Wait, your going after the sound Ray aren't you "Spiderman said". Spiderwoman heads to Avengers tower. Seriously "spiderman said". Spiderman dodges the Symbiote's attacks. Seriously, you can do better than that "Spiderman said". The Symbiote thrashes spiderman onto the wall. OK, that hurt "Spiderman said". There's more hits coming "symbiote said". Ahhh come on!!! "spiderman said". The Symbiote unmerges with the person on goes on spiderman. Must fight temptation "Spiderman said". This feels good "spiderman said". Spiderman did you manage "Spiderwoman said". Spiderwoman see's the Symbiote on spiderman.

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