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Billie POV:

----9 months later----

I was at a small venue doing a show. The place only held around 1,000 or something people so it was pretty small compared to shows I've done like Music midtown. This show is just a warmer so I can get back into the tour 'headspace'. Finneas is not here at the moment because he has stuff to do so my other guitarist has stepped in.

"Deadly fever, please don't ever break. Be my reliever cause I don't self medicate, and it-"

"Y/N IS IN LABOUR!" someone shouted. I froze. Everybody stopped singing. I stopped singing.

"Wha- huh?"

"Y/N'S GIVING BIRTH!" someone shouted again. I didn't know what to do.

Me and Y/n have had a rough stages. We are in one now. I don't know what to do because she said she wanted to have a child but I didn't. For crying out loud I'm going on tour in 2 months. I need to be prepared. Having a baby is just an obstacle I can hop over.

Y/n POV:

"Can I get my ep- epidural" I said to the doctor, he nodded and inserted the needle into the small of my back.

"Push Y/n, come on you can do it, keep going" Finneas said. He was the only one who actually cares about me and my baby. Billie, is yet again, nowhere to be seen. She probably doesn't even care. Finneas and Claudia have been supporting me these whole 9 months while Billie fucked off God knows where. They're like family to me and I love them so much for taking the time to look after me.

"Well done Y/n keep pushing" Claudia said on the other side of me, squeezing my hand slightly.

I was pushing so much, I had no energy left. I've been in labour for currently 1 hour 20 minutes and I'm so exhausted. I don't know how much energy I have left to carry on.

-2 hours later-

"Your beautiful daughter, miss Y/l/n. What's her name?" I hold my daughter, she had Billie's bright blue eyes and my button nose.

"Elliot Harper O'Connell"

Finneas looked at me and smiled widely.
"She looks like you,huh?"
"She's got Billie's eyes though" I say

"Hey Elliot!" Claudia says in her baby voice, which makes Finneas and I burst into laughter.

"Whaaat" Claudia says, also laughing.

"Wife her, she's a keeper" I whisper to Finneas.
"Planning on it" he says with a wink.

Welcome, Elliott Harper O'Connell, to the world.

A/n: Wham bam yes ma'am. Do you want Billie in Elliott's life or nah. Vote in da commentos!

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