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"Guess what baby?" I ask my 4 year old
"What momma?" She smiles
"Me and Mama are getting married" I say and her cute little face brightens up.

"We sure are" Billie says from the kitchen, making us both grin

"You are going to be together forever?" She asks, her face contorts into a confused look, furrowing her eyebrows just like Billie does which is totally adorable.

I turn to Billie and she gives me a genuine smile,
"Yes baby" she beams and then squirms excitedly in my arms.
"YAAAY!" She shouts making both Billie and I chortle.

"Aaaaaand, guess where we're going today?" Billie says, walking to us from the kitchen.
"Where mama?"
"To pick out a little dress for you!" She waffles like a penguin to her and tickles her sides, her head thrown back in laughter.

I love them both so much.


"This one lil mama?" She asks her, holding a light pink frilly dress in her ring laced hand.
"Yeah mama!" She holds her little hands out, wanting to hold it herself.
I chuckle and continue eating my apple, flipping through the pages of a random magazine.


"Goodnight momma, night mama!"
"Goodnight baby" Billie whispered, kissing her forehead and making a 'muah' sound, making me laugh breathlessly.

"Goodnight" I also kissed her forehead and turned her room light off.

"Hey you want a beer?" I ask, opening the fridge.
"Please" she says from the living room. I turn to her and her feet are kicked up on the foot stall, putting a movie on the TV. I grab a beer for her and a gin and tonic for myself, cause we ain't tryna get drunk.

"Here babe" I hand her the drink,
"Thanks my love" she switches on a movie called 'Gerald's game' and last time we watched it, we ended up fucking in the sofa because of all the sex scenes. It's an okay movie I guess.

"This isn't gonna end up like last time, I'm tired okay" I reassure her
"Okay damn relax" she opens her right arm, making me swoop under it so her arm's drooping over my shoulders, pulling me closer.

Mid way through the movie, my eyes start to flutter shut, Billie already catching on,
"Sleep if you want baby it's cool"
"Ok thank you"

I continue talking to her,
"I can't believe that we're getting married" I rub over her finger on her left hand, tracing the intricate details on the wedding ring.
"I can't believe I finally get to call you my wife" she kisses my forehead and j lay my head on her shoulder again.

"Sleep baby"


"I fucking love you so much. You made me so soft what the hell" she mutters in my ear, stirring in her sleep and sometimes waking up for short periods of time.

"You were always soft baby. I don't know where the hard Billie went to be honest" I laugh quietly.

"Nah don't fret she's all here" she points to her heart.
"In your boob? Cause if it is I would've sucked that shit out by now" I smirk
"No bozo, my heart. And yeah the second part is probably true too" she laughs lowly next to my ear.

"Mhm sure" I turn over to then face her, but she's already passed out in sleep again, her mouth slightly agape and small snores escape her plump pink lips. I gush at her cute appearance and snuggle myself on her chest.

Gosh I love this woman.

A/n: This is shorter than my usual word count only because I haven't given you guys a chapter in a phat minute. 10 votes and 5 comments for next chapter.
•Anime tiddies•

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