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Finneas POV

Billie walked into my room, a sad look upon her face.
"Can we talk, Fin?"
"Sure" I pat the space next to me, gesturing for her to sit. She does.

"What's up Billie?" I ask
"You know how me and y/n were getting it back together slowly?"
"Yeah what happened? Is she okay?"
"Let me finish. She was on the phone this morning and I thought she went over for a hookup or something, so I-"
"Carry on Bil"
"I did the same thing. I called Dani over to her house while she was out and I was meant to be looking after Elliot- and I left her on the couch while me and dani- you know, upstairs. In the middle of it, y/n cane home and saw us. I told her that she was cheating on me and she said she wasn't because her friend was gay and she also said that we weren't even together."

"Billie what the actual fuck!"
"I'm sorry I didn't mea-"
"Don't assume things so fucking quickly" I said to her while quickly grabbing a jacket laying on my bed.
"Wh- where you going?" She asks looking worried.
"To see her Billie!"
"Oh okay" she answers, looking disappointed.


Elias was still here. We where just chilling with Elliot when I heard the doorbell ring. As soon as I opened the door, Finneas engulfed me in a warm and embracing hug. He pulled away.

"How are you doing now y/n?"
"Okay I guess!" He lets himself in and Elias stands up to shake his hand.
"Elias this is Finneas, Finneas, Elias!"
"Nice to meet you bro"
"Same for you!" I say

Elias turns to y/n,
"Hey I'm gonna get going, I need to be at the studio early tomorrow"
"Ok sure, catch you later Hefner!"
"See you soon, Carole Baskin!" They hug and he leaves shortly. As soon as he leaves she breaks into tears. She broke her.

"Hey y/n, Billie told me what happened and she-"
"But why would she do it in my house, in my bed and leave my child on the couch. Alone. I don't understand! I can't fucking cope!" I picked Elliot up and handed her to Fin.
"She assumed some shit before she even knew what was going on"
"Yeah I know, I can't forgive her just yet. I've already given her a chance and she blew it. I don't wanna talk to her. Not now, not for a while."

"I understand your point, I'll talk to her because that's fucking messed up okay. I just wanted to come over and check up on you. I haven't told Claudia so she might come over in the next couple days. I'm not sure cause she said she's real busy at the moment"

"It's no problem at all I'm okay. You should talk to Billie about all this" I say
"Okay Imma get going, love you y/n"  He says
"Love you bye"

Finneas POV

I close the door and head back home to talk to Billie. She really messed up this time. She took her chance for granted. I totally get where y/n's coming from. Billie fucked up so much.

I pull into the driveway and see Billie's red light on. Shit.

Billie POV

I fucked up so bad. I feel like shit. I didn't mean to make her cry.
"Bil? Can I talk to you?"
"Sure" I say quietly. He enters my room and sits on my bed, a distraught look on his face.

"Billie, you fucked up. So bad"
"Don't you know I fucking know that! I took my chance for fucking granted and I feel like shit!"
"She's broken Billie, she can't cope."
"I'm such an asshole"
"Just take some time to think about this okay?"
"Mhm" I hum and he leaves.

"Fuck" I whine and break down. I can't take it. I'm such an ass. I want to do it...I can't resist the urge anymore. I grab the blade and think one more time. I don't want to die, this is only temporary. I cut two lines across my left wrist. One for leaving Elliot and another for hurting y/n. Just for now. I whimper in pain and clean myself up so nobody knows.

I'm a fucking shithole.

A/n: Feel sorry for Billie now?

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