Chapter 1

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"Is sand called Sand because it's between the sea and land? UwU

-Tinfoil Swan, one of the authors

"I will actually bubooshk you."

-Sumo Wrestler, a baddie and a sinner/a boring author

Lily sighed as she rolled out of bed, groaning. It was 6AM in the morning and it was the first day of school. She stretched her limbs before hopping up and choosing what she should wear. Shuffling through her closet, she selected some high waisted jeans with a long sleeved crop top. A smile formed on her lips as she slipped the outfit on, admiring the way it looked. Lily sat down on a stool near her dresser and started to brush out her, tangled, long, hair. She nearly pulled out her hair, only to be saved by the way she combed it. "It's good enough." she mumbled, putting on some socks and packing her bag with what she needed, snatching her phone on the way out of the room. She tapped the screen a few times before calling her 3 friends' contacts, grinning when they picked up.

"Hey, girls!" She said, walking into the kitchen. "Hey, what's up Mrs Nixray!" Ivy yelled, causing Angela and Hope to snicker. "You idiot... I don't like him that way." Lily muttered, a hint of annoyance in her voice. "That's not what you said last time, calling him cute." Ivy teased, Lily grimacing at the memory. "Yeah, well, Chris said he'd rather date you than Yessica. And might I say, Yessica is pretty nice." Lily teased back, finally finding a protein bar. "Get burnt, Ivy! HAH!" Hope yelled, laughing. "Don't forget your man's, Oliver, Hope." Angela teased quietly, making Hope nearly hang up. "Ladies, calm down. We all know whose mans we ALWAYS have to tease." Ivy said, making Lily freeze. "Lily's mans!" Ivy cheered, making Lily roll her eyes and just continue to walk out the door and walk to school.

-Time Skip-

As Lily approached the School's gates, she took a notice of seeing her friends all excited. "Oh Lord..." she muttered, walking up to the group to see them all smirking. "I heard Chris talking about you, jsjsk." Ivy cooed, making Lily sigh and shake her head. "That was probably Natasha you heard. Not Chris." She argued, making Ivy grumble. "Come on, Chris isn't always all up on Natasha, he can be all up on YOU as well." "Yeah, and Karly." Ivy grumbled again, making Lily smirk. "I can't always be with him or have him like me that easily you know." Ivy pursed her lips before speaking up. "Well," she started, a smirk coming up to her lips. "That's your thought process, not mine." She said with a wink before running up to Chris. "Ivy!" Lily screeched, grabbing her by the hair. "Ow! That was my hair!" She said, making Lily smile. "Yeah, I know, so don't do that." Ivy sighed and nodded. "Fine, but only for an hour and thirty minutes." She said, smiling. " 'Cause I know you'll be talking to him in class." She said before running off, leaving Lily there to groan. "Hey... it'll be fine. Maybe. I don't know, go get your man's." Angela said with a shrug, walking away. "Hey-, what-, you too?!" She yelled, making Angela laugh. "Yeah, all the way for your ship, Lis (chris + lily =Lis)." She muttered before running off.  

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