Chapter 3

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She walked into the room reaching up on her tiptoes pull the string to turn the light on.She looked around clicking her tongue and searching for the books. I really should have helped but all I think was...'I GOT BORDERLINE REJECTED BY THE GIRL THAT WOULD CALL A RAT CUTE! I can't believe her! She has standards? Who does she think she is!' I huffed returning back to reality. 'hey why should I care? I have Ivy! I mean what girl wouldn't like me, But still. Somethings pretty odd about this girl. I mean who wouldn't like me!?' "Hey wanna help." She asked with a pile of books almost as tall as her. I grabbed some, thinking what girl wouldn't respect this kind,charming,cevilerist act? Instead she pulled a 360 move with the response of, "Wow, my Hero!" She said sarcastically. I sighed knowing I really can't impress her. We both left the supply closet, "You know your one of the most honest people I know, but don't you think your a little harsh?" I asked. "I'm honest because I don't want f boys following me around a quick meal." She stated. "Hang on you think I'M an f boy? Have you seen the other guys in our class?" I asked now realizing her reasoning might not have been as stupid as I thought. "Ya I have, and ur still the most f boyie, You think you can use ur smooth lines on anyone and it works. But the truth is it makes you seem desperate." She said blankly. I sighed knowing that this WAS unfortunately true. "She looked at me and frowned. "I'm sorry-that was really harsh wasn't it." I looked at her and gave her a small smile, "It's been a long time since anyone has been honest with me." He said with a fake smile.

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