Chapter 1

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"3 more bottles of milk on the wall 3 more bottles of milk, take one down open the top drinkity drink till the milk runs out! 2 more bot-" She was cut off by a loud "SHUT UP! If you drinkity drink milk one more time I swear to God-" Ivy screamed grabbing Lily by the collar of her shirt, "Ivy let go of Lily!" Chris said tearing the small girl off of her, dragging her back to their seats. "How much longer is this bus gonna take." Yessica yawned stretching after being rudely awaken by Ivy's screams. Hope smiled, "I don't know but I heard that we're still a long way away from it." She said shrugging. Ivy groaned. "Uh-huh. Why did the school have to shut down again?" She complained, Lily responding with, "It's because they're doing renovations with the place. I heard there was mold or something." Ivy gave a disgusted look. "Why couldn't they just call it off?" "Because we need an education, stupid. Do you want your Asian parents to smack you or something." Lily mocked, Ivy shaking her head. "No! And you wouldn't understand how it is with Asian parents!" She spat back, Lauryn and Angela giggling. "I'm sure it's not too bad! Not all Asians are mean." Lily mumbled, looking towards Angela and Lauryn. "Rare case." Ivy stated finally before ranting to Chris.

Lily shook her head. "Does she know that cockasianese parents are strict as well?" Lily complained, Angela shrugging. "I.D.K. squadfam." She plainly responded, patting her shoulder. "At least you're not on the bus with MY people." She added, Lily shrugging in response. "I rather be there right now." She said, Angela GASPING. "Okay, fine, go ahead and deal with a screaming 5th grader and a dumb 8th grader." Lily chuckled. "Damn! Calling your ex crush dumb?" Angela rolled her eyes. "He is. He calls this kid named Landon a lot of shit, yet they're still friends!" Lily blinked. "Reminds me of something else." Angela shook her head. "It'll be fine." She said, knowing damn well that no, it's as messy as a cup of Lily's Mr. Noodles.

Time skip to 1 hour in da future OwU

Lily looked out her window and smiled, "Were here!" She cheered, standing up and rushing out of the bus with everyone else following in suit. "Dude this place is huge!" She screeched shaking Hope and Lauryn, "Lily, calm down. I bet the whole school can hear you!" Natasha teased stepping out of the bus. "I just can't help it! This school is so Rad! I mean I feel like I'm at hogwarts!" The rest of the group laughed at how much of child she was being, "Okay class gather around, I beg you to be on your best behaviour and to treat everyone with respect." Mr.K smiled at the class, it seemed like no one was screwing up.. Something was wrong. He looked around to only see 26 students,'we lost one'. "Does anyone know where Nash is?" He said with a shaky voice, not wanting to lose a student..again. "Nope." They all stated in sync. Mr.K sighed, okay here's what's gonna happen, Zach you're in charge, Go to class 206, that's where your all headed, ok?" He said placing his hands and trust onto zachs shoulders. "You got it mr.K! Come on guys to class 206 we go!" He said with pride in his voice, leading the class into the school, before realizing, where is 206? And where is the office? "Are you seriously lost?" Oliver asked, shaking his head. "There was never a-" he was cut off when Oliver smacked him in the face with a map. "Uh huh." He said before walking back into line. Zach huffed as he opened the pamphlet, looking over it. "Alright y'all! Down the hall we go!" He said with a condescending smirk, walking down into the halls. Oliver gave him a disgusted look and snatched the map back. "IM, leading the class. YOU clearly CAN'T." He said, pushing the male away and leading the class down the halls and up the stairs.

"Wowie, my gaydar is ringing like a storm." Lily said. "Fighting for dominance." She said with a wink, Angela screeching and pushing her. "Shut up! We're actually in a christian school right now!" She hissed, obviously ticked off. "Sheesh, sorry." She muttered, rubbing her arm. "Alright. We're here." Oliver yelled, gathering everyone's attention. Ms. Jisoo walked into the hall and smiled. "Oh, oh wow. This is more than expected." She mumbled, smiling nervously. Oliver turned around and smiled back. "Assuming you're the teacher?" He said, shaking her hand. "Yes, and you teach this class?" Oliver blushed. "Ah, no." He muttered, smiling. "Oh, apologies, well, come in." She said, opening the door and letting all 26 of them file in. "Class. These are our new students for the remainder of these estimated months. Make them feel at home and introduce them to the glory of God." Ms. Jisoo said, smiling. Tamara gave the teacher a look. "So you're telling me... they're from a public school?" She said with a look of disgust. "Yes, Ms. Jelinkova." Ms. Jisoo said with a sigh, knowing what's about to come next. "Why are they here then? They can't just come in here with their trashy little outfits and expect to stay here without paying the full tuition like us." She spat, obviously disgusted. Lily clenched her fist and Ivy blew up. "And you can't expect us to deal with your BS, snob." She said, smirking. Tamara blinked before smiling. "Sassy, I like you." She said, Ivy giving a surprised look. "And she doesn't like you back." Lily mumbled, already disliking this Tamara.

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