Chapter 2

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"I swear to god if we don't of this bus soon I'm gonna explode!" Lily pouted. "Come on Lil, don't be so dramatic." Yessica giggled punching her in the shoulder. "I'm not! We've been on this bus for hours! I might actually explode! My blood will be everywhere including my organs,and don't even get me started about-"She began to only get cut off by Ivy''That's enough." She huffed crossing her arms and looking at Lily with utter disgust. "Well it's true!" Lily whined throwing her hands into the air almost smacking Yessica. "It's not." Ivy hissed getting a book from her designer bag. "Geeze get a sense of humour." Lily mumbled in response all Ivy could do is roll her eyes. "Anyways," Angela started trying to brighten the mood, "I heard this school is hella rich! Seriously apparently the dining room has three crystal chandeliers! 3!" She exclaimed. "Now that's just being extra." Yessica said rolling her eyes. "Not more extra than you." Angela smirked, raising an eyebrow. "Hey!That...may be true, but still 3 is a bit much." She murmured, turning to Hope to get her opinion to see fast asleep. " Well I guess we won't be getting hopes nsight on this." Lily smiled. "Maybe it's for the best." Yessica said knowing if Hope was awake she would be yelling about ways to try to steal it."Yeah, that'd be a scandal." Angela said with a laugh, Lily and Yessica nodding. "But really, hearing all of this stuff about the school is getting my expectations REAL high." Angela said, Ivy humming. "I guess so, but it's a private school. They have more money than a public school so it is to be expected. Especially if they have dorms." She said with a sigh. "I'm not ready to share a room with someone, let alone a stranger." Lily scowled, shifting in her seat. "Well maybe you could actually talk to people this way instead of staying forever in a certain group." She muttered under her breath, Angela raising her eyebrows at her. "Woah, chill." She murmured, glancing over to Ivy. "What if she heard you?" She whispered, LIly shaking her head in response. "You're acting like she's gonna murder me if she hears what I said."

"You never know." She said with a wink, Lily laughing. "Yeah, yeah." Lily mumbled, looking back at her group. "- yeah so it's Jungshook's birthday today and I'm so happy! I stan him." Ivy said with a squeal, Yessica grinning. "Mhm! And it's almost Jimin's birthday too." She said, Chris groaning in the background. "What is up with you two liking Kpop?" He grumbled, Ivy shooting him a grin. "Awe, don't worry. I like you more anyways." She said with a wink, Chris smirking back. "Right back at you." He said, Angela shaking her head. "No flirting on the bus. Do it when we get to school." She said. "Oh, hush. Your just jealous because you don't have a boyfriend." Ivy said in defence. Angela smirked. "Who said I didn't have someone to love?" Ivy choked, looking up at her. "And you didn't tell me?!" Lily and Ivy said in sync, gaping. "Yeah, because I have a-" "All students, listen up!" Mr. Smith said, clapping his hands. "We have arrived."He said, his eyes glowing in excitement. "Chop, chop, this school is huge! We mustn't waste any time." He said, walking out the bus. Lily huffed in annoyance. "Dang it." She said, stepping into the aisle, her friends following behind her. The class rushed out of the bus, lining into a single file. "Alright, so, y'alls luggage will be put into your dorms. Right now, you have a one hour lunch time so chop, chop. You had a tour, you know where to go." He said, walking away. The class immediately rushed in, staring at the inside in awe. It was impressive, to say the least. "Holy frick!" Lily squealed in awe. Chris rolled his eyes, "Language, they're gonna think our schools full of hicks if you keep spewing crap like that." He stated. "Ya and they won't think that when you say 'spewing crap like that'.She mocked looking up at him. "Hah, nice one Dawson." He said moving his curly brown hair out of his view. "Anyways, how many chandeliers do you think the dining room has?" She asked breaking the silence. "2." He stated not making eye contact, instead looking around the hall. "Well your wrong." She stated happily. Catching up to her friends. "Hey ladies, what did I miss?" she asked only to be ignored by the three. "So Jimin is Obviously mine. But I'll let you guys have jungkook,and August D." She smiled brightly. "Hey no fair!" Yessica smiled and punched her arm.

Lily frowned at the girls. 'Of course they were ignoring me. I shouldn't be surprised. I wonder what I did this time' she sighed to herself skimming through the recent events to see where it went wrong.' She sighed getting lost in thought.

"So how many chandeliers are there then?" Chris asked smirking since he finally caught up to her. "You think I'm honestly gonna tell you." She stated rolling her eyes. "Tell me." He whined, Angela nearly losing her cool. "It's 3, okay? They don't have 2." She sneered, Chris razing his arms up in defence. "Okay, chill man." He said, Lily slowly coming towards them. "Hey, you guys want to have lunch together?" She suggested, Angela nodding in response. "I would love to Lils, but I have a lunch date with Vy." He said with a smug smirk. Angela inhales loudly, catching their attention. "Oh? Do I smell food or a ship being resurrected?" She murmured, Lily glaring at her. "Thanks, Chris. Well, we have to be going now. Bye!" She said, linking her arms with Angela's and running off. "Seriously," she started as they walked through the halls. "Why do you hate him?" Lily questioned, Angela sighing in response. "Well, for one, he's a prick. Two, he once exposed you. Three, he's-''''Okay, okay, shush." She said, wincing as the memories came back. "He's not too bad." Lily murmured as they walked to the dining room. Angela gaped as she stepped in. "Holy moly, mother of... it's huge! And ooh my god!" She squealed, staring at the chandeliers. "There's 3 of them! Hell yeah!" She said, Lily rolling her eyes. "Uh huh, great. Good and great. Can we get food now?" She said, sighing. "You're just salty that I was right about how rich this school is!" Angela said with a proud smirk, Lily shaking her head. "I guess so, let's find seat first though. As much as I'd like to get food now, seats look limited." She said, looking around the room. "Yeah, and Ivy would want us to sit close to them. Easy access you know?" Angela said, before pointing fondly at two tables. "There. We shall sit there with our squad." She stated, dragging Lily over there. "I'll go get food, you sit here and protect our table. Okay? Okay." Angela said in a sing song voice before leaving.

Lily sighed, looking at the huge table. There was no way that she could claim the whole thing. Unless...

After a bit, the girl had wrote down reservation signs on all of the chairs to let them know that the seats were claimed. Yes, it was extra, but all that mattered was that the seats were reserved. Now all she had to do was wait.

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