Chapter 4

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Chris and Lily finally arrived to class to have everyone oh and aw at them in a teasing way. The two didn't give a care until Ivy pipped in, "You two took so long because you two were too busy making out! Weren't you!" She chanted to have the rest of the class chime in with snarky comments. Lily rolled her eyes and set the books down on her desk for a moment, "What if we were? I mean it's none of your business anyways." Lily picked up the books and began handing them out with chris.

He carefully placed the books on everyone's desk but his mind was so place else. All he could think about was how eager Ivy was to humiliate her friend like that. His thoughts were again interrupted by Ivy taping him on the shoulder, "Hey chris, Why did you two take so long?" Chris looked into her soft brown eyes and his anger with her melted away. "We were just talking about stuff?" He inhaled sharply knowing his lie would never fool her, She's too smart cause she be Asian. She smirked, "You don't have to tell me,I'll just ask Lily for an actual answer this time.~"

-Time skip till after their English Class with Mr.K-

Chris stepped out into the hall to see Lauryn,Angela,Lily,and Ivy all laughing about something. He walked up the four, "Hey~ Girls I was wondering if I could talk with Lily for a second." To all the girls he sounded flirty and charming when he said those words, but Lily knew what was going to happen next. He grabbed her arm rather harshly and pulled her away from her group. "Hey not so rough! I just got this shirt" she whispered harshly. "I don't care, what did you tell Ivy?" He asked not even apologizing for his actions. "I have no idea what your talking about!" she groaned. Going above a whisper. Then the lightbulb clicked for her,"You seriously really think I would tell Ivy? Dude she's manipulative AF, so she probs told you some false garbage so you would hate me and go to her.She loves stirring up garbage like this." She said crossing her arms and walking away from chris.

All he could do was watch her leave, He couldn't believe that he just blamed Lily for all of this, He should have seen it coming. He turned around to see Lily holding her arm in the same place he grabbed her.

Stupidity at it's Finest (literally tho)Where stories live. Discover now