Chapter 4

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'Fricking Ivy! She gets whatever she wants!' Lily groaned kicking the locker closest to her. "Do you mind?" a voice called behind her. He had strawberry blonde hair with light brown eyes. "You're kicking my locker." Lily looked at him but then back at the locker. "Ummmmmm.. I'm really sorry!" she said with a small smile. "I mean you should be apologizing to my locker if anything." He said, his hands straight into his pockets. "I guess I should get going, I'm really sorry." she muttered out before leaving.

"Have you seen a girl with blonde hair in the past 5 minutes walk through here?" Angela exclaimed almost out of breath. "She has blonde hair, the kind of attitude that makes you want to smack her?" She said still catching her breath. "Yeah, I guess." He muttered, staring at his locker. "Ooh, goody! Where she at?" Angela said with a bright smile. The boy pointed behind him and Angela nodded, dashing off. "Thanks!" She yelled, the Romanian nodding in response. He sighed, walking over to his locker and throwing his bag in. "First years these days." He said before walking off. Most likely going to his future boyfriend, who knows.


Lily and Angela sat in an empty classroom on the second floor, Angela having to deal with a frustrated Lily. "I hate her. I hate her so much. She knew I liked him, but oh no! That doesn't matter because I'm Lily; a sweet girl who's oblivious to everything!" She snapped, her face growing red. "Am I just that? Am I just that stupid to her? You can't sit here and tell me that she's not a spoilt brat! With all the money she had I'm damn sure that she could build a second school with all her designer bags and shoes. She's just that entitled." She spat, gripping onto the ledge of the desks to control herself. "Well... " Angela started, looking off to the side. "At least you won't grow up being an r/entitledparent." She joked, Lily letting out a strained laugh. "I guess. But still... she had everything at the tip of her fingers. Money, a good education, a boyfriend, everything. It's just not fair." She whimpered, Angela huffing and sitting up. "Why don't we just make new friends? If she makes you feel shit then we should just leave. I mean, what's there to miss? Sure, I'll miss all the birthday parties she came to with the gifts she gave me, but that's not a real friendship. Isn't it?" Angela said, placing a hand on Lily's shoulder. Lily let out a breathy laugh, smiling at Angela. "Yeah, I guess so. I'll miss the things she gave us though. Even if it wasn't real, she did invest quite a lot on us, yeah?" Angela giggled. "Yep! And now I miss being spoiled." She said with a frown, Lily laughing. "Oh hush, you literally have a designer backpack." Angela rolled her eyes. "Yeah... but that's only the Kendall and Kylie special edition on backpacks." She said with a sigh, Lily cackling. "Oh my gosh your acting like Ivy, stop!" She yelled, Angela giggling. "There's no use, Lily. No one, and I mean no one, can uno reverse this masterpiece." She said with a hair flip.

Lily smiled. "Thanks though. For calming me down. I would've broken a desk by now." She said with a laugh. "Thank God you didn't." Angela said, looking around the classroom. "This is the chemistry room and I'd be pretty concerned if you broke a table that is partly metal." She said with a look of relief. "Me too, and that's my desk." The two whipped their heads around, only to see the same boy from the hallway. "Ohh, whoops." Lily muttered awkwardly, a light blush coating her cheeks. "Sorry there, uh," She looked down at the desk and stared at the nameplate. "Valentina?" She said confused. The boy groaned and walked over to his desk looking down at it. "Damnit." He muttered, staring at the graffiti covered desk. Lily hopped off and stared down at the desk as well. "Oh, wow." She muttered, gazing over the desk. "It's fine! Nothing but a bit of water could fix this up!" He said quickly, running over to the sink. Lily and Angela shared a look before looking back at the desk. "I thought christian school had less crappy people." Angela stated blandly, Lily sighing. "I don't know anymore. If either schools share shit people, then I'm going to beg to be homeschooled." She grumbled, Angela sighing. "I'm sure they're not that bad, maybe it's an inside joke? Like how people say that you're the child of Shane Dawson." She said, Lily shaking her head. "Don't bring that up." She said, clearly embarrassed. "Sorry, but let's go to our desks. I'm pretty sure we have this class. Pretty sure." Angela said, looking around the desks to find their name. "Oh, lookie!" She said, pointing at the desk with her and Hope's name on it. Lily groaned. Of course she's separated from her friend when she's having a bad day. "I guess I'll be sitting with whoever the hell 'Milica' is." she groaned. "He isn't that bad." Valentino said still trying to scrub the a off his nameplate. "Probably one of the least shitty people in this class in fact." He said spraying the name plate once again. "Good to know." Lily smiled. "Again sorry for kicking your locker." She said with a nervous chuckle. "You did what?" Angela asked looking at Lily in total disgust. "NOTHING!" Lily shouted. "It's fine I guess. But you haven't apologized to the locker yet." He sighed. "I guess I'll have to do that later." she smiled. "How about after class." He asked, shifting his weight to his other foot. "Yeah sounds good." She smiled. "Get a room! For the love of god!" Angela screeched. Lily giggled. "Hey you still haven't told me about your lover though!? Seriously dude who is it?" She asked shaking her best friend like when a snack gets stuck in the vending machine. "Should I tell you?" She asked playing with the ends of her long french braids. "There's no way in hell you're not!" She gasped. "Ya never know.~" she smirked. "Come on! Tell me!" Lily begged. "Fine, it's Nauna, Nauna of your business!" She said pushing her friend off her.

Valintino smirked at the two girls. Maybe the new kids weren't that bad after all. Perhaps he could make some new friends after all. Just maybe God gave him a break in this shit show that he called his life

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