Chapter 7

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As class ended and all of the students descended to the dining room, Tamara skipped happily to her table. "Hiya!" She said cheerfully, sitting down beside Drago and kissing his cheek. "Hey." He said with a smirk, wrapping an arm around her waist. Sadiq rolled his eyes, drumming his fingers against the wooden table. "Can you not right in front of me? Aleks will come back soon and I don't think we'd like to watch you two." Tamara grumbled, crossing her legs. "I don't care about him. In fact, I have a new member to our group." She said, Drago and Sadiq giving her a look. "A new member? Like a replacement for Milica?" Drago started, his gaze hardening. "Obviously. He's way better though. He's friends with the other kids who I've been pinning. I could get something out of him." She said with a proud smirk, Sadiq shaking his head. "I have a feeling we're going to fuck up with him. We did with Milica, Valentino, a few other kids. How is he going to be different?" He questioned, swirling around a glass of water. "Well, I took the dorm placement sheets and you'll be rooming with him and the..." Tamara grimaced, cringing. "Homosexuals." Sadiq sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. "So our new member, poor gay 1, and gay 2? God, have mercy on me." He groaned, Drago snickering. "Hah! Have fun dealing with that shit. Who's with me, Tam?" He questioned, glancing over to the paper.

"Lucas and Oliver." She stated, waving her hand at him dismissively. "It doesn't matter, what matters now is the plan." She said, putting the papers away. "What plan?" Aleks questioned out of nowhere, setting down a tray of water. "Oh, not much darling." She said, smiling sweetly. "But I may need a favour from you. Can you do that for me? Can you?" Tamara questioned, smirking. "Of course, you're my girlfriend after all." He said with a smile, sitting down. Tamara grinned, her face darkening. "Perfect." she murmured, taking a bottle of water. "Now, where is that Chris? He insisted on being here." Tamara whined, losing her patience. "He's probably getting food. Like a normal person." Sadiq spat, rolling his eyes. Tamara sneered, looking at the line. "You're right. Not surprising, but disappointing. He's wasting our time." She said, crossing her arms. "Love, please calm down." Aleks said with a soft sigh, looking over to the line. "He's talking to her frie- oh. I mean, girlfriend. Don't rush him." He said, observing the two as a girl with dark hair pulled him into a kiss as he was getting a casserole. "Stupid, fena." The girl said underneath her breath, Drago sighing. "Calm down." He murmured, nudging at Tamara. "Of course." She said, inhaling before letting out an exaggerated sigh.


"I swear to god if you don't give my mother fucking food right now I'm gonna die." Angela scowled as she was getting ready to stab someone with a butter knife if needed. "Calm down! Sheesh no wonder no one hangs out with you." Milica muttered not making eye contact with the dranged beast. "I heard that!" She yelled stabbing her knife into the wooden table. "We're back with the food!" Lily cheered as her and Valentino set down the casserole and salads. "Angela what did we talk about stabbing random objects with knives!" Lily scolded tearing the knife out of the table. "Wait you talked about this?" Valentino asked looking at her uncertainty. "Yup, we also talked about not stabbing people." Lily hummed serving herself some salad. The two boys looked at each other in total shock. "Should we leave?" Valentino asked getting ready to bolt. "Hell no, Angela's been sharpening that knife all night. I'm guessing she's got a pretty good throwing arm too." He whispered back. "You know we can hear you right" Lily said looking at the boys like they were the weird ones. "Sorry, I just don't want to die at the moment or even worse, stain another vest." Valentino clapped back, Lily and Angela sharing a look. "You're comparing death to a vest." Angela said slowly, looking up at him. "Mhm, and you just stabbed a table." Angela sighed. "Fair point." She said, Valentino smiling proudly. "Mhm! Now let's dig in before the food gets cold. No one wants a cold casserole, yeah?" He said, taking a bit of the noodles. "Hell yeah!" Angela exclaimed, taking one, full, casserole. "Isn't that a bit much?" Milica commented, making himself a salad. "Oh don't flex about your healthy lifestyle." Angela hissed, jabbing her fork into the flavourful food. "Alright then." Milica said with a shrug, poking at the tomatoes that were added. "Gross." He murmured, picking it up and putting it at the edge of his plate. "Just because they're not cherry tomatoes doesn't mean you have to get salty." Valentino said, taking the tomato into his own fork. "It's disgusting, who puts a grown tomato into a salad?" He questioned, shaking his head as he picked out the vegetables. "And it's disgusting to waste food." Valentino said with a smirk, taking more of the tomatoes. "Whatever, I don't like them though." He murmured, crossing his arms. "Are you two really arguing about a salad?" Angela questioned, stuffing her mouth with some food. Valentino shrugged, nibbling on the red vegetable. "What else do we talk about?" He questioned, Angela blinking. "Feelings, problems, homework-"

"Boring! Also, feelings? Problems? I don't think you know us well." Milica interrupted, shaking his head. Valentino cringed, giving them an apologetic smile. "You just met us. We're just salty and not really the best at social interactions." He said, Angela sighing. "Well, that's obvious." Lily and Angela said in sync. "Wow. Thanks, guys!" Valentino said bitterly, huffing. "No need to get salty, just teasing you." Lily said with her hands up in defence. "Yeah right-"

"Attention all students!"

The room went silent almost immediately. She cleared her throat, "I would like to welcome all of the new comers to our school." She said with a glassy tone. She was definitely not the type to take people's shit and will expel you by the slightest bit of disobedience. "I'm only going to say this once so listen up, I'm currently having Ms.Monroe and the other staff pass out envelopes with your dorm room key,map, and rules sheet inside said envelope." She stated looking around the dining hall for a second before walking out of the room. "She looks familiar.." Lily mumbled. "Yeah because she's miss Monroe's mom." Valentino said stuffing a fork full of salad into his mouth. "Really? I guess that explains why they both have a stick up their-" Angela said only to be cut off by Yessica storming Over. "You have some explaining to do Dawson!" She said placing her hands on her hips. "What is it?" Lily asked with a flood of panic fill her eyes. "Um! Well Remember Math class!? You said you hated Ivy? How? You two went to kindergarten together and she's been nothing but kind to you? God knows none of us would have hung out with you if it weren't for her! To think she even planned a huge get together for your birthday this year too!" Yessica said, rage fuming out of her as she gets further into her speech. "I'm not gonna sit here while you make me seem like the bad guy Yessy, mkay? Let me ask you a question, When's my birthday? Since Ivy planned this huge party you should know right?" Lily asked with a voice as cold as ice, only an inch away from Yessica. "Exactly, so you can just go off spewing some shit about how dare I be so cruel to the princess, or, perhaps just maybe. Be a good human being for once in your sad life." Yessica stood there tears welling up in her eyes. "I don't know your birthday, hell I don't even know your middle name. But maybe that's just because of how easily forgettable you truly are-" She was cut off by Milica, "That's enough! For the love of God just leave! No one and I mean no one cares! Just go off and comfort Ivy if she's so distraught after losing Lily!" He said glaring. The two girls sat there, shocked. "Just leave." He growled, Yessica dashing off.

Milica sighed loudly and pinched the bridge of his nose, shaking his head. "People are so entitled these days, God." he murmured, looking up. "Are you okay, Lily?" He questioned, concern built into his voice. Lily chuckled. "I thought you didn't like talking about feelings and problems." She teased, the brunette flushing. "Well, you're all a different case." He murmured, looking off to the side. "But really, are you okay?" Milica questioned, Lily shrugging. "Yeah, kinda. I mean, our friendship wasn't that good anyways so I guess," she stalled, sighing. "Sometimes it's better to let someone go." Milica nodded. "Never heard anything more true than that." He said, memories coming back to him. "Oh, really?" Lily asked, raising an eyebrow at him. "Yeah, but that's a different story for a different time. C'mon, I think we ate enough. Let's go get your dorm key shit." 

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