Chapter 2

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"ANGEL!" She yelled chasing the girl into the building whining.

Chris chuckled at the two, "Typical of those them, isn't it?" he asked Natasha. "What do you mean?" She asked grabbing her green water bottle back swiftly. "Well, ya know, Ivy making snarky comments, Lilly yelling this early in the morning ,and Angela running away from the two. It is very typical of the two... T-that's all" He said with a nervous chuckle. "Omg you like Ivy." Natasha said looking at Chris blankly. "Where did that come?!" He cried giving her a disturbed look. "Idk dude. I was just bored so I wanted to say something." She said walking into the building. Chis sighed, 'Damn that was way too close.' He caught up to Natasha to find her talking and laughing with Lily. "He looked cute! So I was honest!" Lily laughed at her own stupidity of saying it out loud. "Still why did you say it out loud!?" Natasha asked laughing even harder. "What's are two laughing at so much?" He asked a bit concerned and yet curious. "Lil, called the new english dude cute in front of all the girls!" She said still laughing. "Wait you find him cute?" Chris asked.

"Mhm! He has Ocean blue eyes, brown hair, and is super tall! Why wouldn't I like him? I don't know anything about him though so I only think he's cute. Not really a crush." She said shrugging. "Yeah yet." Chris teased. "Not you too now!" Lilly cried. "Hey what's up?" Isaac came up to the three. "Lilly called a random dude Cute!" Chris said smirking. "Aaand I'm leaving, see you guys in homeroom." Lily said walking away from the group and into her usual cluster of friends. "Lily go back to your boyfriend." Ivy coed rather harshly. "No thanks." She said quietly. "Anyways, TBS! There new song was so good! I stayed up to 3 am to watch it!" Ivy cheered. "Yeah it was so good." Lauryn agreed approaching the group "She came as soon as we spoke about TBS." Ivy laughed, Yessica rolling her eyes in response. "Well, yeah, Girl with luv is just real good, and since Felicia didn't come to school today, I have no one to talk about it with."

"What the fucq is girl with luv?" Lily questioned getting annoyed at what seemed to be a foreign language to her. Ivy chuckled, "I guess you wouldn't understand since all you do is talk about boys." She said giving her a rude glance. "Woo slow down with the hostile vibes, You make that face again it might stay like that. And God knows Chris would never love that face." Angela said jokingly, trying to stop the tension between the two. Lily smiled and high fived Angela, "Thanks for the save." she whispered before heading off to her seat in the front row.

The Bell Finally rung and class now started. Mr.K got up to the white board, " Imma be honest for a sec, I totally forgot to plan for this class so let's start off with reading the class novel we've been chipping away at. The books are currently in the supply closet down stairs." Ivy smiled,"Chris and Lily would love to go get the books." Mr.M Smiled, "That's a great idea!" Lily and Chris both sighed ,and got up and left the room, "Thanks guys!" Mr.M called out to the two.

-Chris's Perspective-

Lily quietly mumbled as soon as I closed the door, "That friend of your is a lot of work isn't she?" He said wanting to stop her crazy mumbling, "You have no idea." She said with a chuckle. "Yeah but she's pretty cute." I mumbled. "Do my ears deceive me? you think Ivy's cute!?" Lily screeched. "Well Yeah who wouldn't, but that's it. She's just cute.I hate the way she treats you." I stated. "It's fine chris,It's normal besides,You two would tots make a good couple." Lily teased elbowing me. "Whatever you say, but you know the saying, 'bro's before hoes." Lily laughed, "Ivy isn't a hoe, And when did we become bros?" Lily questioned with a smirk appearing on her lips. "Well...We talk a lot during class, We pass notes, I though-" I said feeling I made things even more awkward." I'm just pulling your leg! Of course we're bros, But As your bro I have to be ur official wing women with Ivy." Lily said adding finger guns. "Like I said Ivy's a bit of a jerk, there's no way I could like her like that." Lily sighed, "She's not that bad, She's nice enough to let me hang out with them.." she smiled dully. I looked over to her one last time before we reached the supply closet, "Would you like to do the honors?" I said pressing the metal key into her cold hands. "Wow slow down there jack frost, Ur hands are freezing! You know I could always warm them up if you want?~" He said with a wink. "No thanks, I actually have standards." She said opening the closet door.

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