Chapter 3

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 Lily sighed putting away her extra papers into her bag. "Hopefully I didn't just waste a trees life on some stupid name plates." She sighed once more. "I think you did." Yessica giggled tapping Lily on the shoulder. "We were looking all over for you!" She exclaimed. "Sorry about that." Lily smiled removing the papers. "Did you write these?" Hope asked picking up a piece of paper with her name on it. "Ya? Why?" She asked tilting her head to the side. "They're so pretty! I mean this cursive is Lucas level cursive! Maybe even better!" she exclaimed. "Ya totally." Yessica agreed now looking down at her name. "It's not that good!" She exclaimed Lily's cheeks turning crimson, while trying to hide it behind her blonde locks, "Aw someone's embarrassed. Yessica giggled wrapping her arms around lily teasing her. "Shut up!" Lily said blushing even harder as Hope hugged her too.

"Damn when did Lily's life become a harem?" Angela asked smiling. "Okay I'm done hand over the food." She said shoving the two girls aside and snatching the food. "Relax Lil it was only a joke." Angela laughed, Lily smiling. "Of course, don't worry. I have a sense of humour, you know?" Hope gave her a look and Yessica grinned. "Never knew you were the type to throw shade." She said, Lily shrugging. "Well, the more you know." she said, grinning. "How is she exactly throwing shade?" Hope asked, giving Lily a confused look. "She threw shade at me." Ivy said from out of nowhere, her hands linked together with Chris'. "Really? I missed out on that?" Chris said with a frown, Ivy giving him an offended look. "Hush, it's not much you missed out on." She said with an annoyed tone. "Of course." He said, bringing back a smile to Ivy's face. "Perfect! Now, our lunch date." She cooed, kissing his cheek. Angela made a gagging sound, Lily chuckling. "Right in front of my casserole? My damn casserole." She said, letting out an exaggerated sigh. "Sorry, Angie. But you know how much I love Chris." Ivy cooed, squeezing his hand. "Right back at you." He said with finger guns, Ivy giving him a disappointed look. "Let's just eat the casserole that Angela got us." She murmured, removing her hand from his and sitting down. Chris nodded and sat beside her, taking a fork and feeding her part of his casserole. "And I think I'm about to throw up." Angela stated, sighing sadly. "Oh be quiet. Just let them do their couple things." Hope said, taking some food. "Yeah, plus, they're pretty cute." Yessica said with a grin, sticking her fork into the cheesy food. "You're kidding me, how is that cute?" Lily groaned. "You're just saying that cause your jelly." Ivy said looking at Lily. "Seriously jealous of you two don't make me laugh! Why would I want to be in a relationship with the guy whose ego is bigger than this whole school? And Your not much of a catch either I mean, you don't even know his last name or anything about him! But hey you're both hot so suck each others faces off see if I care!" She shouted getting up from the table taking her bag with her. "At least the pasta's good?" Hope said trying to clear the tension. "I'm gonna go check on her." Angela said leaving the table, "Goodbye my love." She called out to the casserole as she fled the scene looking for Lily. "Thank god they're gone." Ivy muttered.

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