「 FOUR 」

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If others were to know about it, Watanabe Hara knew she'd get into trouble. Her fingers wrapped around her ankle, still uncaring about the consequences for her reckless actions- she needed to train, she wanted to train. It became an unhealthy obsession of hers to train whenever she had something in mind, especially the events of the past that she so wanted to bury deep within. All she ever wanted even as a kid was to stand on top, be called the greatest in her age group. A certain someone's words was the trigger of such intense drives to be the best, unbeknownst to him.

Breathing in and out deeply, she closed her eyes as she remembered yet another scene in her memories with the stone cold Ushijima. To be honest, it's not that she hated him completely. Uehara just hated the idea of him and how he crushed her dreams with his words in their childhood.

"Watanabe, just sit by the side, you're gonna injure yourself if you play like this," Ushijima said, his expression as stoic as usual. The way his eyes drowned into hers made her feel so small, as if he was telling her that her efforts would be futile.

"I want to play! I wanna be the greatest! Don't stop me," she retorted, but she was met by the cold words of the guy.

"Greatest? With that body of yours? You can't."

As Hara reopened her eyes, she started dribbling yet another ball while setting her eyes on a certain spot in the court. She practiced her serves to even make them better, despite people already labeling it as something terrifying to face when having a match with their team. The girl just couldn't feel content with her abilities at the moment, she aimed for a bigger dream than the rest.

Throwing the ball upwards, running for it and jumping, her hand slammed down on the ball which made an echoing sound throughout the whole gym. The sound was akin to thunder, a loud clap enough to snap someone's wrist on court if received incorrectly. The ball bounced back up due to the impact, but Hara just frustratedly ran her hand though her hair as if it wasn't enough.

From someone who watched from the stands, the serve was powerful and might even cause someone to cower away from the ball. But still, she wasn't satisfied. The girl thought that something was missing, like her serve lacked something. But what was it?

What was it that she was looking for? What about her serve did she actually want to change? Was there really something wrong or was she just too greedy for change? Did she just feel too insecure about her skills, with Ushijima pestering her these days? Did she simply want to be flawless under his eyes, just to prove the younger version of him wrong? Why was she so hung up on his words in their childhood until now?

As she started walking away from her spot, she closed her eyes and flinched in pain as she fell down on the floor with a thud. Her ankle was so sore, that she didn't know if she was able to stand at the moment.

Damn it, I think I overworked myself again.

It was a Saturday and she had been practicing nonstop since she came in the morning. Looking out the little window of the gym, she slightly parted her lips in shock as she saw that it was already dark out. Clenching her fists, she tried to stand up by herself and was able to do so but pathetically.

"Damn it, Sai's gonna scold me again," she whispered, "I haven't eaten a thing since I left the house."

Hara started limping away, walking towards the bench where she had her bag placed. She might just call Sai, she might answer and help her walk home. After all, among all the other members of the team, there was Sai whom she considered closest to what a friend was. She knew the girl won't spill about the incident. But in return, she would scold her like how a mother would.

Several rings could be heard, until Sai finally picked up the call.

"Sai, can you help me? I'm at the gym, at school, I kind of injured my ankle and I can't walk properly," Hara said, biting her lip after since she was secretly embarrassed that she was actually asking for help from someone. "And don't tell coach. This should heal by Monday."

A few seconds of silence met Uehara, making her furrow her brows. Why didn't Sai speak?

"Sai?" She called, but her eyes instantly widened at the voice that she heard from the other side of the call.

"Watanabe, you called the wrong number. But I'm on my way to the gym, stay there," Ushijima said, his voice somewhat laced with emotion which shocked Hara.

Shit! Why is his number still even here? I thought I deleted it after Tendou put it in without permission!

"No, I can handle myself," she tried, but she closed her eyes as her ankle started aching again.

"You clearly cannot," Ushijima answered, his voice deep as usual. His words made her click her tongue. There he goes again, deciding for her what she can and cannot do. But this time around, he was right.

"Fine. I can't," she whispered, clenching her fist. "But it doesn't- it doesn't have to be you helping me."

"I'm on my way. Don't move around too much. Or at all." He said, ending the call.

She cursed under her breath, just thinking about Ushijima being the one to help her in her situation at the moment. It was like a huge punch to her pride, but she couldn't do anything about it. She actually needed his help.

Maybe sooner, she can just try to forget about it. Besides, she was meant to make Ushijima shut his mouth about it and not tell the coach.

If the male did spill the beans, then it just meant more reason to not tolerate him. Just this once, she'll try to get along with him. If anything, he might actually be the perfect person who can keep his mouth shut about the incident.

I'm so stupid.

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