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"Our match is in two hours, so you better not get your bodies cold or something. Get yourselves into best condition, let's win this again," Hara said, her tone almost as monotonous as it used to be.

The whole team was following her, and they were yet to enter the gymnasium. Just their presence was enough to send chills down the spine of other hopeful and determined players around them, and it didn't fail to catch their attention. It had always been like that. Everyone was afraid of facing Shiratorizawa, whether it be the girls' or the boys' team. After all, they were known for being great players who took their training seriously.

"Yes, captain!" the members replied, all motivated to win the match.

"Better do your best or I'll train you to the bone once we get back to Shiratorizawa," Hara said, and they all sighed after hearing her statement. Always the hardworking captain, training being the only thing in her mind.

They already know what might happen if they lose. It was a hundred serves and spikes, and none of them wanted to get even more exhausted after a game. The last time they experienced it was when they lost a match in the Nationals last year.

"Man, Shiratorizawa's scary, both teams are. But the captain's such a hottie,"

"Right?! I bet she doesn't have a boyfriend, though,"

"It must be scary, trying to talk to someone who looks as stoic as her. Should I give it a try? I mean, she's really pretty and strong, too."

"I heard Oikawa's interested in her, and that they're pretty close. Should I ask her out as well?"

"It should be great being her boyfriend. Maybe I'd confess after their match,"

"She doesn't look like she's taken- Eh?!"

Just as rumours about her flew around the area, all their eyes widened and jaws were dropped at what they saw next. The boys' team came walking beside the girls', and Ushijima's hand grabbed the girls' captain's as if telling them instantly that they can back off.

"Good luck on your match. Make sure you get to Nationals again this year," Ushijima suddenly said, making Hara fume in anger. She was almost convinced that he was messing with her, trying to piss her off.

"Hey, is that supposed to be a threat? You better make sure you qualify to Nationals or I'm spiking your head off of that neck of yours," she retorted, making the members of her team and Ushijima's to snicker. "Don't be so confident of yourself, too. No one knows what will happen until it does happen."

"Hey, Hara. Don't forget, your boyfriend here is in Japan's top three-"

Before Tendou could finish his sentence, both captains instantly let go of each others' hands and then walked as far away from each other which only cracked their members up even more. They were surprised when both captains made it official, and it was Tendou and Sai's fault that it already spread throughout not only the teams, but also to almost everyone in Shiratorizawa. They said, as professionals, that both captains dating had caused both to perform better in volleyball as well and that everyone should support the ace couple.

Of course, Hara cringed at the thought while Ushijima didn't mind at all. As his words said, we are both aces and captains. It is true, after all.

"Are you both still shy about it? After Tendou and I saw you hold hands while Ushijima confessed-"




"I did confess and held her hand. I don't think anything's wrong with it if one wants to express one's sincerest feelings for another."

"W-Wakatoshi! I told you not to say things like that with that tone of your voice!"

Even though both didn't voice it out, seeing each other before their matches helped them boost up and get more motivated to win. After all, the other would be waiting and wishing for the other's success. They were chasing the same dreams, after all.

"Hello, Hara!" Oikawa suddenly appeared, walking enthusiastically beside Hara who was watching Ushijima's game.

"Oh. Tooru. Is your match finished?" She asked, and at the same time, Ushijima's eyes trained on the two.

It was his turn to serve, so he scoffed and then dribbled the ball before tossing it. Once his hand collided with the ball, he scrunched his face up at the image of Oikawa trying to hit on Hara. The ball hit the floor with such an impact that it bounced back up higher than expected, which made their opponent tremble in fear.

"We've finished our match for today. Do you think Ushijima will get angry if I try to put on a show? Would you want to try it?" Oikawa teased, earning him a smack on the back of his head. "Ouch! So mean, Hara!"

"Leave him be, Tooru. You want to face Shiratorizawa, too, don't you?" the girl said, making Oikawa smile and clench his fist.

"I just want to bring my team to Nationals, before us third years retire," Oikawa said, looking at the match unfolding before him. "We'll beat your boyfriend and his team, Hara. Just you wait."

Before she could speak, Oikawa already walked away to probably meet up with Iwaizumi and the rest. At the same time, Sai appeared to tell her that it was almost time for their last match of the day.

She then faced the court again, clenching her fists.


It was enough to capture the attention of others, and for Ushijima to be motivated. He was used to fighting to win, but now he realized one thing. He now only didn't have to win for himself and for the team, but also for the person he cherished in his heart for long.

Do your best, too, Hara. Let's both earn gold medals.

But it was too bad, fate had another plan for the teams.

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