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To say that she was uncomfortable was an understatement. Hara could hear the whispers of the students while she was with Sai, walking towards their respective classrooms. She found it disappointing that people would rather gossip than study.

"Is something really that interesting for them to chatter and chatter so early in the morning?" Hara asked Sai, as both went on their way to their respective classes. Sai let out a chuckle, finding Hara somewhat seeming like an old man.

"I don't know. Maybe it's the fact that you and Ushijima just happen to suddenly talk and hang out like friends. The student body, everyone's just used to getting chills and being tense when you two stand in the same hallway. You two are always at it, sending indirect insults and all to each other. It's strange," Sai said, making the female captain raise her brows.

"Is it really that interesting? Well, they can scram and mind their own business. It's not like we're not allowed to be friends. We're just students here like everyone else. It's not that interesting," Hara muttered, only making Sai chuckle to herself even more.

Days have passed and everyone's still talking about the changes. Even the team wasn't used to the sudden change of attitude with their team captain. She seemed a bit friendlier than before, starting to ask how their day went whenever there was nothing else to do in the court. It wasn't really usual when she still wasn't on good terms with the boys' team's captain.

"Don't be too harsh. It's surprising, even to me. Besides, aren't we best friends?" Sai asked, making Hara raise her brows before facing the girl.

"You're still proclaiming that we are best friends, Yamamoto Sai. Just so you know, I've never had friends before, if you're gonna count Ushijima Wakatoshi out," Hara said, but Sai only laughed before patting the captains shoulder. As expected of someone as emotionally constipated as Watanabe Hara.

"That's why I'm saying... I am your best friend. Whether you want it or not, I will be here not only as your vice captain, but also the closest friend you will have," said Sai, so Hara shrugged. "Like Tendou is to Ushijima."

Staring at the notes she's been writing about possible strategies in volleyball, Hara furrowed her brows. She didn't know which one she could choose for the team for the upcoming match. She had been conflicted about it for several days, wanting to produce the best results which were expected of her. It was hard to be a people pleaser, whether she admitted that she was one or not.

"Captain, aren't you going home? It's getting late," asked one of the team members, so the captain slowly raised her head to look at whoever it was.

"I'm staying for a bit. Take care on your way back," Hara said, making the members grin.

"Whoa, captain really changed. I must be dreaming! She would've told us 'go home. why would i care?' before. I am touched," Akari said, dramatically placing her hand on her heart which only gained her a glare from the captain. "Sheesh. Calm down. I was kidding."

"Go home, for all I care,"

"HAHAHA! Serves you right, Akari!"

"Now that's the Watahara we know!"

"You asked for it, Akari! Hahaha!"

Sighing, she stood up from her seat on the bench and then stretched. After the other members finally left and it was only her inside the gym, Hara took her bag and then closed the doors. She wasn't going to practice inside the gym. She intended on jogging around the campus, instead. Once the gym was locked, she placed the key in her pocket and then started jogging away.

That was until she saw the lights to the boys' gym still turned on. Furrowing her brows, she instantly went in to check whoever it was that stayed later than the rest. She was, however, surprised that it was Goshiki Tsutomu practicing all on his own. The first year who was being polished as the next ace.

The girl sighed, stepping inside the gym. Although it may not seem like it, she always found the first year amusing. There was something about Goshiki that made her want to look after him. He was passionate and she loved that about him. Someone who loved volleyball was bound to do well, that was what she believed. If he worked harder than everyone else, he will get the results he so much desired.

Tsutomu was taken aback, turning his head towards the entrance after hearing footsteps nearing him. He widened his eyes after seeing that it was none other than Watanabe Hara. Due to him not paying attention to the ball, it hit his head which made him frown at his own actions and for Hara to turn her head away to hide herself chuckling. It looked foolishly cute.

"Senior!" Tsutomu exclaimed, making Hara step closer to him and then pat his shoulder. "Why are you here?"

"I was going to jog around the campus, but then I saw the lights still on. Why are you still out here practicing by yourself?" Hara asked, picking a ball from the floor and then dribbling it.

Tsutomu's eyes were glued on her, wondering why the hell the girls' team's supposedly stone-hearted captain was approaching him and acting like this. Not that he hated it, because he also looked up to her. She was, after all, a good player. A nationally recognized one at that.

"Is that so? I... I wanted to become a better ace than Ushijima. I don't think he ever acknowledged me as a rival, but I want him to. I promised myself that I will surpass him and prove to him that I am worthy of the title ace," Tsutomu said, rubbing the back of his neck after realizing that he was actually talking about it to his senior who he only talked to at that time.

They never did talk, only when he was asked to relay a message from the coach to the girls' team. But still, he respected the girl because of her skills. He felt almost the same admiration he had for Ushijima, so he was slightly flustered when she started speaking again. She was a girl, after all.

"You will be, Goshiki. You'll be great, you already are, but you'll be greater," Hara said, smiling softly at him before turning around to leave. "Your hard work will pay off."

However, Tsutomu stopped her.

"Excuse me!" Tsutomu called, making Hara face him again. "Can I jog with you?"

"Oh. Sure."

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