Part 4 Joined

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'' Naib Subedar, a retired mercenary at a young age. Become an assassin for Burke Company after the war. He is an orphan since he was born and the military train this orphan group to work for them. His 1st battle in war is at 7. He killed almost 200 people in the process. Stop joined as a military and be the mercenary as he is free to move and get the worth payment than the military. Wow, he actually run from the military. After that, he stops being a mercenary because he wants to start a normal life, but then Burke come in and force him to work for him. Burke blackmail him to join the company as his friend was taken as a hostage for the weird experiment''. Black read the document he got about Naib's information.

'' Poor kids. His purpose in life is just to kill people?'' Tracy said as she is surprised that Naib is the same age as her.

'' What we will do to him, Ms. Lady?''. White asked.

'' Let's offer him something good. His skill is useful for our organization. I'm sure he has nowhere to go after this. If Burke really killed his friend, it means that he has no purpose to live.''

'' Are you sure he will work for us, Ms. Lady?'' 

'' Let's try then.'' Tracy put a small grin on her face.


Naib open his eyes and try to adapt his surrounding. His body feels lighter. It's been so long since his wound was treated well. He slowly wake up and realized that his neck, wrist, and leg were chained even though he is laying down on the comfortable bed.

'' How are you feeling, boy?. My name is Emily. I am a doctor here. Nice to meet you.'' Emily smile.

'' Why I am still alive? '' Naib mutter

'' Ms. Lady wants to see you later, Subedar. Is that your name, right? ''

'' Naib ''

'' Oh, okay Naib. Here are the food and the drinks. You eat, okay? '' Emily feel sorry looking at Naib. Poor boy. He looks innocent. His eyes look empty. Emily caress Naib's cheeks. ''It's okay little boy, you are safe here'' Emily inspect the blue soulless eyes. '' Sorry, I need to drug you more because I need to put you to sleep. Your body is so broken. Did your boss before abused you that much?''


Emily sigh. Here, you need to eat something. Ms. Lady wants to see you after this.

'' Ok then open your mouth, little boy.''

Tears suddenly flow from the corner of Naib's eyes. 

'' Victor, victor........I'm ..... sorry......''

Emily sigh. This boy is troublesome. 

// Creak. The door was open. Tracy enter the room together with White and Black.

''Greetings Mr. Subedar. I think you already know who I am right? Let's get straight to the point. I want you to work with me now. About your friend, Victor.......I'm sorry about him....we will try to figure out about his status. For now, I want you to make up your mind ASAP. The faster you make up your mind, we will make a move faster to help you. I need your skill to serve me. You will get everything if you work with me.''

'' Y-you will help me to save Victor?''

'' I don't know why I want to help you even you try to kill me. But my Papa says so, so I need to follow his advice. Make up your mind now, Subedar''.

Naib nodded. '' Please, help me to save Victor'' Naib begging. 

'' Good. everyone, prepare now, we gotta move. Emily, prepare him.''

'' As you wish, Ms. Lady'' Emily bow 

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