8 | Butterflies

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Lisa | 8

It's been 2 weeks since that strange interaction with Irene and, within those 2 weeks, we somehow grew closer. She always visited me in my classroom and offered to join me for lunch. Unfortunately, Seulgi would join us from time to time but I was slowly starting to get use it. Seulgi and I were actually becoming really good friends. Oddly enough, even Yeri would join, well, I would usually see her when Seulgi was around.

I think a certain blondie grew a crush on a certain bear.

Sorry Yeri but I don't think it's ever going to happen.

That thought caused me to laugh to myself but I instantly stopped the moment I felt someone poke my cheek.

"What're you laughing about?"

I looked up to see Irene leaning forward on my desk with an amused smile. I chuckle and stood up, trying to hold in a squeal as she had to look up. It was a cute sight with the way she looked so small and innocent.

"Oh nothing, I'm just thinking about how short you are, no biggie," I teased. "You'd think you'd at least grow an inch or two after all these years," I added. She scoffed and playfully punched my arm,

"I am not that short!"

I laughed and went around the table to face her, "Are you sure?" I asked. I hadn't realized I was towering over her a little too closely until I noticed her eyes were very wide and staring right up at me silently. My eyes scanned her face for a couple of seconds before staring right into her stunned eyes again. She was still overwhelmingly beautiful to say the least.

"I-I'm positive," she silently squeaked out. I chuckled and —unconsciously— took another step closer, smirking down at her,

"How positive?" I asked. I don't know where all this confidence was coming from but I wasn't relatively hating on it. Especially seeing Irene's shy expression. She visibly gulped and flickered her eyes down to my lips for just a moment,


I laughed lightly and continued to scan her face. I lifted my hand up and carefully removed a strand of hair from her eyes, unintentionally skimming my fingertips on her cheeks. Just the feel of her skin created a knot to form in my stomach.

Or were those just butterflies?

But, seeing as her body shivered, I instantly pulled back and stepped away from her. I had to look away from her or else the sight fo her panting slightly with her hand on her chest would forever be tattooed in the back of my head.

"S-so what're you doing here?" I asked, trying to feign a look of innocence. I heard Irene clear her throat before seating herself down on one of the desks,

"I-I wanted to see if you wanted to grab lunch tomorrow since it's the weekend." She said. I looked over to her and smiled apologetically,

"I'm sorry, I can't. It's Ellas birthday tomorrow."

Irene's face dropped for a second before smiling in understanding,

"Oh, okay. I-I understand," the twinkle in her eye disappeared which left me highly confused,

"Are you okay?" I asked, walking back over to her until the tips of my shoes were just barely touching hers. Irene met my eyes and forced out another smile,

"Yeah, I'm good," she was clearly lying. I bit my lip before carefully placing my hand on her arm which led her to widen her eyes for a split second and intake a sharp breath. I watched as her body suddenly softened when my thumb uncontrollably began to trace soothing circles on her arm. A force of habit I suppose. Our eyes were locked together.

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