9 | Ridiculous

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Lisa | 9

double update—

Rosé adjusted the bunny ears on Ella's head and then let out a squeak of excitement, "And, done!" I looked over from setting up the snack table and giggled at the sight of Ellas outfit. She decided to wear a bunny onesie with a turtle shell backpack.

"Ugh, you're so cute!" Rosé exclaimed in adoration while pinching Ella's cheeks. I playfully rolled my eyes and laughed out loud with the adorable view of Ella groaning and trying to push Rosé away from her dumpling cheeks.

"Aunty Rosie, you're going to wrinkle my onesie," she whined out. I giggled watching Rosé pout and cross her arms in disappointment while turning away. Ella then sighed before wrapping her tiny arms around Rosé's waist from behind,

"Thank you for buying me this costume," she mumbled out adorably. Rosé smiled and turned around,

"Only for the best," she said before placing a short kiss on Ellas head. Shaking my own head, I chuckled with a small grin before perking up towards the sound of the door bell. Ella smiled excitedly and shoved Rosé away,

"I got it!" She shouted before rushing towards the door. Rosé and I watched her little bunny ears bouncing with her cute bunny tail swinging side to side in amusement while walking towards each other,

"Gosh, she sure does grow up fast," Rosé pointed out with a sad smile. I nodded in agreement and puffed out a breath,


Rosé then faced me, "Will you be okay today?" She asked. I turned to face her and opened my mouth to speak till she sent a pointed look, "and don't say you'll manage," she demanded with a teasing smirk. I chuckled before smiling softly,

"I'll be okay, there shouldn't be too many kids running around anyways," I said. I turned away towards the snack table until I felt Rosé carefully snatch my wrist.

"You know that's not what I meant," I heard her say from behind. Her tone was laced with concern which made me fight back a frown. I let out a sigh before looking over my shoulder and smiling slightly,

"I know."


I looked over one of Ellas friends parents shoulder only to see Seulgi waving excitedly by the entrance with Irene by her side. She had a small smile on her lips when she waved at me silently. I forced out a smile and excused myself before making my way to the couple, ignoring my quivering heart while I was at it.

"You guys made it," I said with a grateful smile, especially at the sight of both of them holding a gift for Ella. Seulgi lifted up the gift in excitement,

"Couldn't miss your daughters birthday!" She said making me internally cringe. I awkwardly chuckled and rubbed the back of my neck,

"Yeah, about that. Ella is—."

"Is that for me?" I was cut off by the sound of the devil herself. I looked down to my right and fought the strength to beg for her to keep quiet but seeing the glint in her eyes told me there was simply no point in even trying. Seulgi's smile widened at the sight of Ellas outfit before she handed the gift,

"Happy birthday Ella," she greeted. Ella smiled gratefully and excitedly took the gift from her hand after thanking her shyly. Irene then feigned a look of apology while handing her own gift for Ella,

"I know I told you I wouldn't buy you any barbies, but this is all they had," Irene said. Ella furrowed her eyebrows before taking the gift bad and peeking inside when suddenly her expression changed to excitement,

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