16 | Finale

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Lisa | Finale


I couldn't believe it. I stood up from the bed in such haste and began to pace around the room. I gripped onto my hair with widened, disbelief eyes and felt irritation begin to grow in my chest. It felt heavy and it was suffocating.

"Lisa," Irene called out softly and carefully. It was as if she was afraid I might blow up any second. And I just might.

"I can't believe this," I muttered under my breath with a dry chuckle. I slapped my hands down to my side and stared at Irene with betrayal and more confusion than before,

"You lied to me. You lied to me and all this time, I thought you—, oh my God!" I groaned in annoyance, rubbing my face roughly. I was frustrated beyond belief. Irene then slid off the bed as well and stood in the corner of the room, crossing her arms with regret and sadness in her eyes.

"This whole time, I thought I wasn't enough for you," I said, finally turning my focus back to Irene. She watched the anger slowly deflate from eyes and replace it with nothing else but pain and confusion.

"Why? Why did you lie to me Irene? All these years," I couldn't even finish my sentence with my voice breaking in between. Irene looked away and bit her quivering bottom lip and swiftly wiped a single tear off her cheek,

"I'm so sorry," she whispered. I shook my head and clenched my eyes tight, not wanting any growing tears to fall from my eyes,

"You didn't answer my question. Why did you lie to me?" I asked in desperation. I was indeed desperate for the truth. All this pain could've been avoided if she just told me the truth. We could've sill been toget— no. I don't want to think about that. I can't think about the what if's. It'll only break me even more.

"Because I was scared," she whimpered. I scoffed,

"Scared of what? What was there to be so scared of?" I angrily asked. Irene blinked with more tears cascading down her pale cheeks,

"Everything about us. We were so young and I was feeling things I've never experienced before and that terrified me Lisa!" She admitted. The volume of her broken voice was increasing and more tears were slipping from her closed eyes. She couldn't bare to look at me. I stayed silent.

"And then I was leaving for college and the fact that I was leaving you behind crushed me! I realized that I literally couldn't do anything without you and that didn't feel healthy to me," she cried out. I stared at her in disbelief and ignored the single tear sliding down my cheek,

"So, you thought lying to me and making me feel worthless to you was the answer?" I asked angrily. Irene suddenly pried her eyes open and stared at me with so much guilt. She feverishly shook her head,

"I never wanted you to ever feel that way!"

"But I did Irene!! I felt it and you did nothing to stop it!" I fired back. "You gave up two years of our relationship just like that and I never understood why!"

We both grew silent. The only sound that was heard in the room was our soft cries and possibly the screams of agony from our bleeding hearts. They were reaching for each other but our fears were holding them back.

"I was never the affectionate type and every time you were, I felt awful," she said softly.

"Why?" I asked just as softly as her.

"Because I didn't know how to shower you with all the love I felt for you," she admitted quietly.

"All I wanted was to show you the same amount of love you did for me but I just didn't know how," she added with same hushed tone.

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