17 | Epilogue

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Irene | Epilogue


I couldn't do it anymore.

I needed to see her again.

Yes, it's been a few years now but I didn't care. I don't care anymore, I will prove to her that I've changed. I'm still in college but I will make this work for the both of us if she'll let me. Why?

Because I still love her.

I was parked in front of her house, gripping the steering wheel tightly, I let out a shaky breath.

"You got this," I whispered to myself. I go to reach for my door handle till I saw car driving up the drive way. I held in my breath out of fear. No, don't be scared now. However, something felt different. I watched closely as an unfamiliar, petite blonde woman stepped out of the car. I then felt my heart thump wildly seeing Lisa stepping out of the house with a wide, heart stopping smile. It never failed make my heart flutter.

But that fluttering immediately vanished.

A child stepped out of the car as well. Lisa knelt down and opened her arms wide. And, I watched the little girl running and jumping into her arms with an aching heart. Lisa stood up with the little
girl in her arms while peppering her face with kisses. I didn't want to believe it.

But then, seeing the other blonde girl walk towards Lisa and placed a kiss on her cheek, my heart felt like it was crushed into a million pieces.

Lisa moved on.

She was happy.

Without me realizing it, tears fell from my eyes.

I guess it was time to let you go.

The blonde girl and the little girl walked in the house before Lisa. However, as if she felt my eyes, Lisa turned around with furrowed eyebrows. I gasped and ducked slightly, she was staring at my car with a confused expression. She looked as if she was about to walk to me but then the little girl ran out and took a hold of her wrist.

I took that moment to turn on the ignition and drive off. I flickered my eyes to the rear view mirror and held in my breath. Lisa was watching me leave.

Goodbye, I guess.

"I-I can't do it Seulgi. W-what if she doesn't want to see me?" I asked in desperation. Seulgi waved me off and dragged me to the entrance of Lisa's house.

"It's too late to back out now Irene. It took me all night to make that shirt so you better suck it up," she warned. I scoffed under my breath and whined the whole way until we were in front of the door. She smiled down at me,

"You ready?" she asked. And, without waiting for a reply, she lifted her hand and rang the door bell.

"I got it!"

"I-I can't do this," I whined. Seulgi obviously ignored me.

"Ella don't you dare touch that door knob,"  Just hearing her voice only caused my heart to thump even fast than before. And watching the doorknob twist, I immediately squealed and jumped to the side of the wall, hiding. Seulgi went to grab onto my wrist till a tiny body slammed into her.

"Aunty Seulgi!" Ella greeted. I watched their interaction the whole time, my body was braking into cold sweats and my body was trembling in fear. I could sense Seulgis annoyance just by the sight of her clenching her jaw. But, just hearing Lisa's voice, my body immediately softened.

"Irene's a mess too you know?" I flinched and looked down to the floor. She continued to my displeasure, "After you left, she decided to leave too."

"She also told me everything," she added once more. I lifted my head and sent a glare, hoping she would feel my bruins gaze. But nothing seems to phase her. I heard Lisa scoff,

"If you're here to force me to talk to her again then you can just forget about that—."

"I'm not," she easily cut her off. "I'm just here to let you know that she's stupid if she's going to let her fear stop her from getting what she wants," she stated, while flickering her eyes at me. I then watched her quickly stepped forward and reaching the door knob with a knowing smile,

"That's it. Okay bye!" Seulgi then shut the door and faced me with a soft smile.

"It's your time to shine Irene. You either let her go completely or fight for her."

I stayed silent while watching her leave. I faced the door and sharpened my look. I lifted my hand up and feverishly knocked on the door.

She hastily opened the door, "Seulgi I swear to—! Oh."

It's now or never.


I lifted my head up towards the reflection and smiled seeing Lisa poking her head in with a cute smile. I smiled back,

"I'm almost done, just putting on my earrings," I said warmly. I looked back into my reflection and, while I was placing them on, my heart fluttered with the way Lisa walked behind me and wrapped her arms around me and rested her chin on my shoulder.

How I longed for this feeling for years. And, now that I have, I finally feel at peace. I leaned my back against her front and kissed her cheek,

"You know, back then. I would stare at my reflection everyday and wished you walk in through that door and hold me like how you're holding me now," I whispered. I slowly turned my body around and locked my arms around her neck,

"I love you," I said. The corners of her plump lips tugged upwards into that heart fluttering smile while her eyes twinkled. Those giant doe eyes, I could never get tired of staring at them. She leaned down and fluttered her eyes closed causing me to do the same. And the moment she captured my lips, I sighed in content and tightened my hold around her neck, pulling her body closer. She pulled away slightly,

"I love you too."

She kissed me again and again and maybe a little more than that.

So, you could say we ended up being slightly late to Wendy and Joys wedding that same day.

And, in case any of you guys didn't know,

I'm proposing to her tonight.

Wish me luck!

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