A/N: Okay, I am just going to warn you. Most of you probably do not want to read this. Especially those of you that are Transformers fans because of the fact that a lot of this is made up and there is a chance that some of this would not be possible because of canon reasons. This character is in the Transformer's universe but is not necessarily a Transformer. Also, the concept is super corny and cheesy. To put it simply, I am bull crapping my way through it. However, for those of you willing to take the plunge I will explain how the inspiration for this came to me at the end of this mess.
"Remember to count..."
"Listen for the creaks..."
"If you've seen the teeth it's already too late...."
Name: Atheexis (E-th-a-sis)
Nicknames: Flamethrower
Gender: Female
Age: old enough to be considered ancient
Species: Kanqrux (Can-crux)
Date of birth: unknown
Appearance: Friesian Horse
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Backstory: The species which Flamethrower is from has been known to copy the appearance of the resident species of the planet to blend into the surroundings. Preferably a species that is not very intelligent or has particular patterns of behavior that can be copied. The species is very old and has evolved to not waste the energy needed to hunt and catch food, instead luring in its prey. They are born into their normal appearance, but after a certain age steal the appearance of an animal and use it as a form of deception. Only on their own planet is this species its true self in appearance. Though the real form is unknown, this species gives clues to it even in their animal appearance. No matter what form this species takes their hide is always made of organic material that is as hard as earthly metals, but is flexible to allow the creature to move and grow. Under that though is what appears to be flesh, it appears to be mostly muscles with very thin and small bones. The weird thing about these thin bones is each is connected to certain muscles as if when the muscles move the bones settle wherever the muscles they are connected to are. Which means that the muscles and bones are in a completely different spot in the form the creature was born in, suggesting that both the bones and the muscles could serve completely different functions depending on what form the creature is in.
This particular individual, born with the name of Atheexis was exiled from her planet and landed on Earth around the 1700s. At least, that's when the earliest documented cases that can be confirmed began to appear. It appears that she takes great joy in terrifying humans. She mostly feeds at night and is active around the country, where neighbors (and help) are few and far between. She has been known to eat humans and appears to prefer them. She sneaks into barns or pastures at the dead of night and waits. At first appearance she seems like a normal horse and can easily blend in with other farm animals, but if you get too close you might get a nasty surprise. She appears like a horse until she opens her mouth, in place of horse teeth are mini shark teeth which are so small they can't be seen until you are close enough to be bitten. Let's just say if you are close enough to see the teeth, pray your death will be quick. To avoid this death never go outside if there is the odd sound of creaking off in the distance or near the house. If you absolutely must though, make sure to count the animals before you enter, or else you might be next. She should leave by the time the sun comes up.