Gallifreyan name: Vankothdrustrumdanrelnynda, or Vankoth for short
Title: The Door
Age: around 250
Gender: female
Birthday: October 29
Faceclaim: Abigail Breslin
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Personality: If there was ever a definition of wild child she would be it. She is the enthusiastic, optimistic and playful child in the family. She has issues with taking things seriously, staying in one place for too long and loneliness
Family: The Diviner (jcdwriter's OC) her aunt. The Outcast her mother. The Geneticist and the Captain her siblings
Backstory: She is the Outcast's middle child. When she was about 150 her mom sent her off of Gallifrey in a type 96 TARDIS the night before her wedding. Forcing her to leave her job as an Assistant Manager at the Institute of Temporal Misunderstandings, based in the Capitol behind.
TARDIS: type 96 stuck looking like an industrial digger
Other: her latest travelling companion is a samurai warrior from 16th Century Japan, who has pledged himself to her service