Chapter One: That New Chick

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101 Ways To Get The Girl.
A Raura Fanfiction.
Chapter One: That New Chick.
~Six Years Ago~
"Shor!" Calum Worthy, a redheaded and pretty cute thirteen year old boy, called out to his best friend from across the cafeteria. "Worthy!" Ross Lynch, a blonde haired and attractive thirteen year old, exclaimed back to him.

The two boys walked towards each other and hugged, chattering about the summer and how everyone had changed their looks. "So, how was your summer at camp?" Ross asked Calum, who has been at summer camp since the beginning of June. "Eh." Calum shrugged. "So, how many girls did you date?" Calum smiled teasingly. "You make it sound like I'm a player." Ross rolled his eyes jokingly and chuckled. The two boys walked to their lockers, which were right next to each other. "That's 'cause you are a player." Calum retorted, flipping his bangs to the side like Ross had always done. Ross laughed this time. "I don't look like that." He smiled and put everything in his locker, except his binder, which he would need to take to class. Calum shrugged and laughed while doing the same as him.

The boys walked down the hall and across the cafeteria to get to their first period, P.E. "So, you never answered me." Calum said to the blonde. "Never answered what?" Ross asked the redhead. "How many girls did you date this summer?" Calum asked again. They walked into the boys locker room while Ross shrugged. Calum and Ross got dressed, then walked out into the hall again.

"Lost count after six." Ross smirked proudly. Calum just sighed. "Woah, woah, woah... Who's that...?" Ross' jaw dropped as he stared at the new girl walking down the hall.

Laura Marano. A stubborn, gorgeous, sarcastic thirteen year old girl. Her dark brown hair, almost black, was gorgeous as it just laid there on her perfect shoulders. It was curled, a white bow holding back a strand of hair. She was wearing pink and white striped leggings, a pink sweater, white Ugg boots, and a white ruffled scarf. With a Starbucks Strawberries & Cream Frappé in hand, Laura checked her schedule and sipped at her drink. A dark haired Latina came up to Laura and smiled at her, they talked for a second, then the Latina walked away.
Ross raised his eyebrows, looking at Laura. She turned her head and caught his gaze. Ross half-smiled at Laura, studying her face. She half-smiled back, then walked down the hall.

Ross turned to Calum immediately. "Wow, she's gorgeous!" He gushed to his friend. Calum smiled slyly. "I know her best friend." He said simply. "Really?!" Ross' face lit up. "Yep. But I'm not telling you anything about her." Calum disappointed his friend. "What?! Why not?!" Ross exclaimed. "Because Laura's a sweet, nice girl. She deserves a good guy." Calum replied simply, walking to the gym with Ross. "You saying I'm a bad guy?" Ross asked, pretending to be heartbroken while following Calum. Calum chuckled, and took a step into the gym. "Duh." Calum teased. Ross rolled his eyes and looked around the gym.

Laura was sitting in a chair on the sidelines. Clicking her Ugg boots against each other like Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz, Laura continued sipping her frappé. She wasn't in gym clothes, so Ross inferred that she was excused from gym that day. He shrugged it off and sat in his warmup spot on the ground. "Alright, everyone. Let's start with the hurdler position." Mrs. Kostanzo said to her students. Everyone, except Laura, followed her directions. Ross wasn't extremely attentive though; he was too focused on trying to meet the new girl.

~Later That Morning~

Gym was over with, and Calum and Ross were exiting the boys locker room. They walked in peaceful silence down the side hallway to get to the main hallway. Ross spotted the brunette walking ahead with the Latina from earlier that morning. Calum noticed him looking, and subtly gestured for him to stop. Ross just rolled his eyes and got his math notebook out of his locker. Calum and Ross walked down the hall again, and Calum stopped at the science door for his next class. "Well, I'll see you in Spanish class." Calum smiled as they did their secret handshake. Ross nodded with a smile and walked down to his math class.

Ross stepped into the class, smiling at the girls and giving high-fives to the guys. But as Ross neared his table, he saw the mysterious brunette in the seat next to his. He decided to play it off cool, chill. So, he walked over and sat down next to her. She didn't even look at him, just kept working on her paper. Ross was getting annoyed. He wanted her to talk to him. He hated making the first move. But desperate times call for desperate measures.

It took Ross the whole class to work up the courage to talk to Laura. And when she was packing up her things and sipping some of her drink, he finally spoke up. "Hey, beautiful. That's your name, right?" He asked slyly, smiling at her charmingly. Laura giggled. Ross couldn't tell if it was an amused giggle or an adored giggle. "What?" He asked her. "You're like the fifth guy to try that line on me today." She raised her eyebrows teasingly. Ross blushed.

No girl could make him do that. It surprised him. And scared him.

"Sorry, blondie. I ain't interested." She teased and started walking away. "Can I at least know your name?" He asked, grabbing his binder. She smirked and blew him a kiss before saying, "Laura."

Author's Notes: Sorry it's late at night and I haven't posted a story in forever. I promise I'll be more active, especially on this story 😘 I know this story sucked, but it'll get better. I promise. 😍😋💕 Comment for more and let me know what you think!

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