Chapter 5: Aura and Equipment

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I'm going to explain this now, but it's a bit complexe, so tell me if you don't understand:

I think you all know that Weiss Schnee is the German for Snow White, but, for an reason unknown to me, everyone is pronouncing it "Why-ss" which is not the way you pronounce it in German, in fact, the "W" is pronounced "V", so her name should be pronounced "Vei-ss" (though her last last name is pronounced correctly), and as such, I'm going to make it in my story that everyone is indeed telling it wrong, and because I assume German is not a common language in Remnant, few know what it mean, but you, as an intellectual, know both, and your going to use this to your advantage.
So, to not confuse you further, I'm going to write her name in bold when pronounced correctly ( and I'm aware it's a name so all of this shouldn't matter, but hey, I do what I want okay?)

Sorry for the monologue, now back to the story!


You walk to her, and when you're at a reasonable distance you take her attention

y/n: Excuse me, Weiss?

She turns to you, and you see she's confused and surprised

"You know how to pronounce it?! How?!"

y/n: Well I do, but should I rather refer to you as Snow White?

"And what it means too! That's... surprising, to say the least..."

"Well knowledge is my best weapon, so I tend to know things like this"

"That's logic, so what's your name again?"

"y/n l/n"

You making a little reverence

"Finally someone with manners! People like you are hard to find here... Anyway, what did you want?"

"Well as I told you that knowledge is my weapon, I have come to the most knowledgeable person I knew to seek for more"

She seemed happy of your flattering, as you expected

"And what knowledge do you seek from me?"

"I would like you to teach me how to use aura"

"What?! You...! Huh... Come with me.."

You follow her to a place where there are less people

"How did you even get here without knowing how to use aura!"

"Huh... Look... I'm not going to ask you why you're here and not in Atlas, so please, don't ask me about it"

She gave you a surprised look

".... Fine... But don't talk about this to anyone"


"So, do you know what Aura is?"

"It's the manifestation of ones soul, used to protect, attack and with enough training, to use their Semblance"

"Good, that's one thing out of the way, so do you know how to unlock it?"

"Not at all" you say, lying, because you saw Pyrrha unlocking Jaune's one in the show, and knew she might not do it if she gets the wrong idea...

"... You'll owe me one after that"

She then proceed to come closer to you

"Close your eyes"

You obey, and soon sense a cold thing touching your right cheek, knowing it was her hand, next you sense her other hand touching you torso, and she began to chant

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