Part Three

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I was awoken by a wet and slobbery sensation. As I reluctantly opened my eyes, I was greeted by an english sheepdog licking my hand. Where am I?

"Wakey wakey, time to get up! I think Martha likes you haha," Paul chuckled as he perched on the end of the bed.

"Oh my god, Paul! What on Earth am I doing here?" I was astonished to find myself lying in Paul's bed.

Paul smirked, "Don't you remember?I invited you back here and we spent hours talking, then we got into bed and I jump-"

I knew what was coming,"Did we have-"

"We did indeed love!" He winked.

I should have known, that look on his face said it all! The little bugger, I can't even remember it...oh hang on, I do remember parts of it...

"Hey, y'know you're something special. I have never met anyone quite like you." Paul caressed a strand of long, dark hair hanging in front of my face.

"Ditto." I squeezed his hand and looked up at his soft, full lips.

Impulsively, he leaned in and embraced me, kissing me passionately. My nerves sparked as and he ran his tongue along my bottom lip. I responded by edging my tongue into his mouth and suddenly a groan escaped from Paul. He was so gentle, yet undeniably fiery.

We tore away from each other and there was a mutual feeling tenderness and passion, we both acknowledged that there was a strong connection between us.

"So...are you recording the 'White Album' today?" I inquired.

Paul sighed, "I suppose so, it's getting a bit tense in the studio now. You havn't seen us fight, we frequently find ourselves at odds with each other nowadays, y'know. I'll just have to get on with for now though!"

"Look, I know you must have your ups and downs, but you guys are ment to be best friends, so just try and keep it together. Whenever you need to talk to someone, I'll be there for you." I comforted him.

His eyes lit up with joy, "Hey, I've got a good idea, you should come in to the studio! At least you'll keep me sane!"

I couldn't let him down and on the plus side, I enjoy their music, "Sure I will."

He leaned over and kissed my cheek, "Thank you." he smiled.


John gave me a quizzical look while asking Paul, "What's that bird here for? I thought she was a one night stand to be honest." He didn't break his glance from me.

I shot him an angry glare. Who the hell did he think he was saying that to me?!

Paul retorted, "Shut the fuck up John! Kathy means more than 'a one night stand' to me..she's different."

"Oh well," John gave us a fake smile.

I never really felt as though John liked me, he was always cold towards me....what had I done?

George came over to me, "Hey Kathy last night was fun!"

Ringo piped up, "I woke up this morning with an arse scribbled onto my forehead!"

Everybody burst out laughing. The laughter stopped immediately when an Asian woman with bushy, black hair shuffled into the room and sat next to John.

The other three exchanged exasperated looks.

John put an arm around the lady's shoulder, "Kathy, meet Yoko."  her face expressionless; she nodded her head towards me.

Paul's eyes raged with anger, "Not her again! We don't need an interfering old cow to tell us what to do!"

John jumped out of his chair, making it topple over, "Don't you fucking dare! Stop trying to control everyone and boss people about, you're a worthless piece of shit Paul!"

Paul furiously marched over to John, grabbed his shirt collar; eyed him over and growled, "Worthless piece of shit? I'll fucking kill you after all I have done for us!"

He clenched his fist and went to punch John, but John beat him to it. There was a loud shattering sound as Paul fell to the ground; his nose poured with blood. Time stood still as he gaped at John. The look in each others eye's revealed hurt and pain. 

George's eyes welled up, "I can't put up with this anymore!" he stormed out of the studio. Ringo followed him, while keeping a fixed glare on John.

Oh God, why did this have to happen. Poor Paul lying, hurt on the ground.

I rushed by his side, and helped him to get up. "I hope your happy with yourself John."

Yoko linked his arm, scowling at me, "Come on John. We need to leave," she whispered. They slowly walked out, not a word to be spoken.

It was just me and Paul left in the eerie studio, that was once beaming with happiness and love.

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