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I woke up feeling refreshed this morning. Its most definitely because of those extra hours of sleep I got last night. Its only 6am by the way. I always wake up this early.

I feel like doing some spring cleaning today so let me get on with it then!

I live in a normal size house , nothing fancy. Just a three bedroom home with 2 bathrooms ,one being my master ensuit, a dinning room - which i changed to a office / library room because i don't need no dinning room, then there's the kitchen and t.v. room. There's also a garage and a storage cottage at the back of the house. So you can just imagine all the cleaning i had to do. ALL BY MYSELF. I deserve an award.

I live alone , with the addition of Bobby obviously, who i rescued two years ago at some abandoned warehouse , its always been just us and i wouldn't have it any other way.

Oh ! By the way , my name is Odessy , I'm so sorry for the late introduction. I'm a 10th grader at Livingston High School but I'm actually 17. I didnt attend school last year so i missed a year. I live in Livingston , in some fancy estate with my best friend Bobby! I think that's a good enough intro dont you think ? Yes ? Good.

I finished cleaning about an hour ago now and I'm playing video games just to pass time by. After some procrastination i decide to take a shower and get started with my history assignment. Mrs Seth sent us an email last night around eleven saying she wants it first thing in the morning on Monday. I mean how crazy is that ?! You'd swear these teachers have no life.

I realize that i don't have much information on the assignment given which is about Stalin. None of the books in my library are on Stalin because I'm only obsessed with Greek history. Sue me!

I find libraries to be a bit creepy which is why i hardly go there. I usually just buy books online. Its just too quiet and the librarians look kind of shady. You know how they always give you that look ( shivers ) but i have to go , i need to pass this assignment. So I ride to the library and in no time I'm in and searching in the history section.

"Yo' , do you know where i can find a restroom ?" Ah no, do i look like google maps to you?

"Hello ? I'm talking to you" bye, I'm ignoring you.

I dont even turn to look at him but i must admit he has a really sexy voice. Its all husky and raw but he also sounds arrogant and rude. Typical combo!

Tap , tap.
Did he really just tap my shoulder ? I hate when people do that. Kinda wanna tap him hard right across his face with my fists. No. Let me just pretend that did not happen. I keep looking around for the book on Stalin.

"Hey , I said I'm talking to you" he turns me around and woah!!

"What ?!" I reply in both shock and annoyance. That I did not expect. He looks so fucking, no.

"I asked you a question" he says with a bit of attitude.

"And I ignored you" I snap at Mr grunge here before turning my head back to the books and the task at hand. Stalin.

Oh, there it is! I didn't think it would literally read STALIN on the cover but oh well , I guess that makes the job easier for me. Its a really thick book. Like really thick. Extremely thick. Like life's history thick. Dont get me wrong I love reading but not when its on something I had no interest in reading in the first place. It makes me so -

"Feisty. You don't have to be all defensive kitty" why is he still here again?

"And you don't have to be so stupid." I say , this time staring right into his emerald green eyes. Flippin green eyed monster!

"I'll just pretend you never said that. Now ,where is the restroom ?" He scoffs before asking his stupid question once more.

I just give him a blank look. Is he stupid? Does he not get the hint?
Okay look , I dont know where the stupid restrooms are either. It's my first time at this library. I usually go to the one closer to home but it doesn't really have much books on history so i figured maybe i could find some at this one since its so enormous. But ! I wont tell him that because he shouldn't even be asking ME for directions as if I work here or I'm his friend.

"You dont know , do you?" He says after some time of us just staring at each other. Looking quite amused.

I just turned and went to find a desk or chair so I can go through this book a little bit. Well basically just scan it.
Did I mention that this library is HUGE? Because wow.

The Green Eyed Monster - or might I say GEM , haha - finally gets the flippin hint and leaves me alone and I find a cosy spot with a circular desk by a corner with two chairs. It looks like its made for me ahhh! It's just perfect. ( sigh )

I settle down and start reading the back and the index. Did I mention that this book is heavy ? Well it is.

"Isn't that book too big for you? Your small head might just explode from all the knowledge. " its him again , the GEM. I guess he decided to skip the restroom and piss on my head.

"What are you doing here?" I asked annoyed by his presence.

"Stalin. Interesting , but doesn't really look like something a girl like you would read" he says ignoring my question.

"Oh ? And kind of girl do I look like to you?" I ask feeling rather patronized.

"You look like the kind of girl who should be reading a thirty paged book" he smirks proudly

Why the hell he just smirked ? Beats me.

I briefly look at him then back to the book. I'm not entertaining him. He is being stupid.

With all this small talk i hope he isn't thinking of gaining any sorts of relation with me. He looks like the type of guy I would get bored of. A mixture of your typical bad boy with brains and the boy next door. Too cliche for my liking.

Hm , this Stalin guy is actually interesting. I think I'll just buy the book. I keep reading regardless of the fact that i plan on buying the book anyway. I have nothing better to do with my Saturdays and I can't be coped up in my house the whole day.

"Why blue?" Well isn't he just random and annoying.

I look at him with a questionably raised eyebrow.

"Your hair" he states nodding in the direction of my hair tips.

"Why not?" I reply with a bored expression.

I don't get questions like this. Like why the f- do people feel like they have to have an explanation to every single little thing.

"Damn. Kill me for being curious."

"I would if it wouldn't lend me in prison, you're not that special for me to give up having the chance at eating pizza " I say a little amused at how dramatic we are both being at this point.

He gasps a little too dramatic ,with his left hand on his chest , mouth a gap and eyes wide open, faking a heart broken expression. This causes me to laugh involuntarily to the point of hiccups.

He smiles and then joins in. Idiot.

I finally gather myself together and shake my head in disapproval.

"I need to finish reading this for my assignment and you're being a horrible distraction." I say this with a little smile still plastered on my lips.

"Ah ! That explains a lot" he grins while nodding in understanding.

"Oh shut up" I chuckle.

"I'll help you" he's face turns serious.

This causes me to scoff. I dont know why but he doesn't strike me as the Historic type.

"We were given the same assignment last year and I aced it. You're in 10th grade." He says matter - of - fact.

"Yes" I confirm regardless.

"Let me help. I still have my assignment from last year and got a lot of knowledge to share. I can show it to you if you don't trust me."

I really want to pass this assignment but do I let him help me? I mean, I NEED to pass this assignment, I didn't really do well in my test so,


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