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"Well that was - interesting"

What the actual fuck! I thought no one came here. Who the hell is this now?

"What the fuck ?!" I screech , turning around to face this husky morning voice. Which , by the way , does not sound attractive. I dont understand how people find husky morning voices sexy, these boys just need to clear their throats.

"Great performance you displayed there" says this strangely hot man who looked to be in his early twenties.

I chose to ignore him and lay back down. I don't mind him killing me. He doesn't look creepy nor do I care to die at this point. And as if not understanding that I want to be left the fuck alone he sits right beside my head and starts staring at me.

He has shallow dark eyes. They look like a dark portal to another dimension. He has a strong face with defined features. Quite masculine. With red lips and slightly paled skin but it still looks really good. He also has some full eyebrows and - why the hell am I even checking this strange boy out ?

"What" I spit quite annoyed at being stared at like the most prized art piece at an art gallery.

"You're leaking" he simply says then stands up and walks away.

I was confused for a moment until I realized that I was crying again. Stupid boy. Who even says that ? "you're leaking" ugh!

Then , as if one tear drop was an indication of the waterfall to come , I begin to sob once again. My chest literally hurts and I genuinely feel like a loaf of shit. I'm such a screwup! I ruin everything and I destroy things , relationships , I - I'm just not meant for this life thing.

I stay in the forest for the rest of the day without food or water. I just remain in my spot , cry , scream , hate myself even more , think about things I did - the life I once lived , and I just keep breaking. Over and over again.

Once it's dark I head back home and pass out in my room crying while listening to slowed sad music. And for next couple of days this is my life. It's not like there is much of a life to live anyway. The boys don't know much about me. They don't care nor love me. I have no one. It's just me and my pain. I got rid of my phone somewhere on my way to the forest some day. Nephine came by to "check up on me" pff I told him to fuck off. As I said , they don't really care. They probably just pity me. The girl without friends. I'm just a stupid girl without anything.

I still study every now and again when I'm not crying because I still want to finish school early. I wont kill myself just yet. I have to finish what I started first. They will feel my wrath!

Authors Note

well thank you for reading this far into my book. it is a continuous work in progress and I'm very proud of how far it has come. thank you to everyone who has been reading , commenting , voting and just the overall support.

this insert is very , extremely short because i wanted to take some time to thank you guys! we're past 200 reads and that makes me happy ! it may not be much to others but to me it means a great lot !

i know i have not been consistent whatsoever. i wont make any excuses. i deleted my wattpad because i felt quite unmotivated to write and thats all i looked forward to when it came to this app but im trying to get back into writing and maybe even start writing another book and only publish it once I'm done with the whole book. regardless of everything I'm still very much grateful for the reads and i love you guys!

now lets get to 300 reads. please share , vote and comment. you may also message me if you want to be friends or whatever lol.

other than that , bye !💓

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