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Why does the sun have to be so hot and shiny? I feel like I just came back from hell. I dont even remember what day it is today. My head feels heavy. My body feels like its dying. I can't focus properly. Sitting up is an issue. My legs feel wobbly. My heart is beating loudly. What a perfect day !

I try using everything left in me that could be of use to get me up and take me to the bathroom but I barely make it half way before falling to the ground. My stomach is complaining and I feel like puking all over this floor right about now. But I get myself up again and attempt to run to the bathroom. I finally make it and puke in the toilet for what feels like forever. I have tears in my eyes from all the puking. My hair is a complete mess and I smell like an expired bin. It's that bad. I flush the toilet and make my way to the sink to rinse my mouth then brush my teeth. After that I dont even wash my face but instead I head straight to the shower and take a good one hour shower to get my shit together because I'm clearly a mess right now. While taking a shower, I find myself just crying. Letting everything out. I'm not one of those people that cry loudly but small sounds could be heard coming from my mouth.

After that break down/shower session , I get dressed feeling a little better regarding the hangover but emotionally ? I was screwed. But I'm obviously not about to have that written all over my face so I put on some make-up to cover that up. Now that I look a lot more presentable I finally let myself observe my surroundings. My room is clean. And there is no sound of random people in my house. I can faintly hear Deans voice coming from the kitchen , I think and he seems to be speaking to Tris. I make my way there.

"Good morning sleepy head, you look beautiful on such a gloomy morning" Tris says and he takes a bite of his toasted bread.

"Hey, you were wild last night, are you okay?" Dean asks with concerned eyes while Nephine just looks away as if ignoring my presence

"Morning guys, thanks Tris , and I'm perfectly alright. Not my first wild night " I reply with an easy smirk

"Morning Nephine" he turns to face me but only nods in response while gulping some juice.

Okay, that's weird. I need to talk to him. I don't like such behaviour.

"May I have a word with you outside ?" I ask in Nephines direction while getting a big cup of warm water to help with the hangover and emotional control. It really does help !

He doesn't say anything in response but follows me outside. When we get there I look him straight in the eye and he looks away. I dont know what's wrong with him today but he sure is acting like a moody child.

"What's wrong ?" No patience for small talk

"Nothing Odessy" yeah right , that's why you just used me actual name

"Try again"

"I'm not going to stand here and entertain you pretending like you dont know shit of what you did last night" he says with so much venom in his tone

"Huh?" I'm genuinely confused

"Dont, please" he attempts to walk back in the house but I pull him back. He isn't going off that easily

"Wait , what did I do that was so bad ? I dont remember much of last night really so I would appreciate you refreshing my memory of what I did that was so bad as to upset you to the point where you can't even look me in the eye or spare me some respect in tone" I say sternly. I wont let him walk all over me as he pleases. He should just grow up and make himself clear.

"Okay little miss Blue. You were all over some random boy , kissing and touching him. Heck , you even gave him a damn lap dance in front of everyone! You wouldn't even dance with me or even spare me three seconds of your time because you were so occupied with some stupid boy who just wanted your pussy" he bursts. I could see his ears turning red from here and he was evidently livid.

"Oh no. I'm so sorry Nephine. I didn't mean to dismiss you like that and make you feel like a total stranger. I was totally out of it last night. I'm sorry for abandoning you like that but you had brunette to keep you company did you not ?" I say recalling some events of that brunette girl from the kitchen that he was kissing before the kitchen conversation

"Brunette ?" He asks in confusion

"I dont remember her name but its that brunette you were kissing early last night "

"Oh , June ? But I already told you nothing is going on between me and her Oddesy" he says rubbing his hands in frustration

"I know but she likes you and you guys seems to be getting along just fine"

"Odessy." He warns

"I dont understand why you're getting so mad about this"

"I just dont want you to think there's something going on between me and June or any girl for that matter" he says a little loud

"Okay ,chill. Listen Nephine, I dont have a problem with you being in a relationship. You and I are just friends and I would genuinely like to keep it that way. You're cute and a good kisser but I dont necessarily feel something deeper for you. And I dont want to lead you on into thinking we could be anything more than just mere friends. Or break your heart "

"So you feel nothing for me ? Nothing at all?" He says a bit taken back and I could see a hint of hurt in his eyes.

Oh how I hate this. I didn't think he would catch feeling for me in such a short period of time. And I just dont want to be in a relationship at the moment. Besides that , I dont feel like Nephine and myself would work. There's no actual spark between us. Just mere lust and great times. There's just something huge missing. So no. I will not lead him into thinking we could ever be anything more than mere friends. Ever.

After a while of me not saying anything in fear of hurting him any more than I figure I already have , he just left me standing there and went back inside the house, banging the door after getting in. Well , that went well.

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