Chapter 2:Truth

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The big white wolf circles around me and I hiss attempting to look as intimidating as my mother but I fail miserably.

He looks me up and down before morphing into a human.Now's my chance to kill him..

"I am not going to hurt you,Magnolia so I suggest you don't hurt me." How does the dog know my name? he grins "My name is Luka Mountains." he holds out his hand as if expecting me to shake it.I shove mine in my hood pocket and glare at him.

He frowns "You have tears in your eyes."

I wipe them away "No crap,dog." I mutter.

He smiles clearly amused."What on earth is so funny? be lucky I don't kill you right this minute you dirty excuse for a dog!" He starts to laugh and I groan."Wheres the rest of your pack of devil-dogs anyway.." I ask.He frowns

"You kind killed my whole pack tonight." I feel a sudden pang of guilt then quickly brush it off,Why am I feeling sympathy for a dog!

"Perhaps sir,you should leave now before I go back and get someone to drain all your blood for me." I grin wickedly as I see mother do when talking to any creature that isn't of our kind.He sighs " need to know the truth and then perhaps you will come with me." I pale..The dog knows my name and wants to kidnap me?

I cross my arms over my dress and purse my lips."Tell me first how you know my name and why on earth I would ever come with you..I love my mother."

He lightly laughs "First,I know your name because of your REAL mother.." How does he know? "And second of were a werewolf when you were born..and now missy,your a hybrid since that lame excuse of a mother you have in there." He gestures to the mansion in the distance.

"Decided to turn you since you looked 'Oh So Much' like her as a baby...and when your Real mother was in that crash she didn't die in it at first...'Your Fake Mother' killed her."

My face pales.He's a lying no good dog! 

I see a small tear escape his eye "And when my father tried to get you back to join our kind again..she killed him too." The dog can't be lying-- he's crying..but mother would never do that..would she?

He sighs "If you don't believe me ask her yourself..i'll see you soon." he starts to walk away from me and I glare at him defiantly "You won't." I squeak.

"Oh but I will!" he calls once he is a good twenty feet from me.



When I enter the ballroom once more mother grips my hand and forcefully drags me to the side."Where the hell have you been,why were you talking to that man,and you reak of dog." she sniffs me.I feel anger start to swell up inside of me.

"I know,mom." she arches an eyebrow "Know what?" she asks coyly.I gulp "Everything,about me being a hybrid,you killing my real mother,and turning me when I was only a baby."

She turns to me with a frown on her face."Dear...yes you are a hybrid,yes I killed your mother nor do I regret it.." I clench my fists as she walks closer to me with a small smile on her lips."Because I got the most beautiful,smart,and funniest daughter in the world."

Is she freaking serious?

I smile at her "I want to rejoin my kind." her face pales and smile fades."What?" I start to walk away from her "You heard me." she grips my wrist once more.What is it with people always grabbing me?

She stares me dead in the eyes "You shall not join your...'Pack." she spits out the word as if it were dirty "Because,since you are a hybrid  you are also mostly vamoire-" I raise my hand and interupt her "But I can also change into a wolf?" she groans but nods.I smile before pulling away from her again."Goodbye,mother."

This time instead of grabbing me she stands in front of me with a look of...sadness?

"Please,don't go...grandmere can't talk and i'll be miserable without my daughter."

Her daughter?

"I am not your daughter,nor are you my mother."

Her sad expression turns to anger."If you leave,I cannot promise I won't try to kill your entire pack just to reclaim you into the vampire world.." she raises an eyebrow at me with a smirk as if challenging me...a challenge which I gladly except "Nor can I promise I won't kill you,Marianna." I use her real name and her look of confidence turns to anger.

"You can just leave and forget me..just like that?" she asks snapping her fingers.I turn back to her as I walk out the door "You could kill my mother just like that." I snap my fingers mimicking her tone."So you are dead to me,yes."

When I get to the door I push past a few vampires before loudly calling back to her."PUN INTENDED!"

Time for a new life.


Next chapter coming it? hate it? wanna marry it? comment.

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