Chapter 7:Rugs N' RockingChairs

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"What the hell do you mean she got away!" I yell into the phone.

I hear Vladimir sigh."I am as outraged as you are especially since it is my wife we are talking about here-" my eyes grow wide.

"WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT,DRACULA!" I yell..Does he seriously expect me to give her to him? she's my daughter,and there is no way in hell i'm letting her go until she's 19.

He clears his throat with an odd raging sound."I just realized we have not yet discussed a bargain for our little ' it is." he says.

I cross my arms and look at my surroundings,in my living room with my own mother no longer sitting in her rocking chair.

"Go on,Vladimir." I squeak using his full name more out of fear then respect.

"I will find Magnolia AND I will marry her...but,I will allow her to remain with you until a certain age of your choosing."

"W-whats the catch?" I stammer.He laughs lightly "There is none."

"Knowing you,you are not a man to have patience." I growl.

He sighs.My eyebrows raise and before I know what i'm doing,i'm asking the question that has been nagging at me since he first volunteered to help look for her.

"How do you even know,Magnolia?" 

Theres silence and then a deep sigh."I met her at my ball...she didn't know who I was when I asked her to dance...and after the dance she left without even giving me her name."

Seriously? I'm all about those cinderella stories..not in real life though..thats kind of cheesy..

"Then,when you showed me her picture and her name I agreed without a second thought.." he murmurs.I chuckle "Then what happened to Viola? your wife of 4 months?"

I swear I can hear a smirk forming on his face..if thats even possible."I had a theory that she was cheating on me with a servant...never had a chance to act on it,till now."

I scoff "How do I know that a fate of death wont be waiting for Magnolia?" theres an awkward silence that falls after that.

"If she is ever unfaithful,or I simply wish to be-rid of her...I will not kill her but turn you over to her in a civil divorce like manner."

"You do realize she's a hyrbrid,right?" I ask.He makes a gasp noise "All the better,she's exotic and practically unheard of."

I mentally groan at this..Can't he just take a hint?

"There is no way i'm convincing you not to marry there?"

"Nooope." he says popping the 'p'

I put my finger to my chin."And she'll be wife number...?"

"71,lucky 71."

Holy crap,and my mom thought that my dad was a player..."And we also have another problem." I say.

"What is it?" he asks with dread in his tone."My um...Magnolia's Grandmere is gone."

"And this concerns me why..?" he asks.I groan "I think she went to find Magnolia and help her escape..she may even be hiding her."

"I SWEAR TO GOD,MOTHER OR NOT I WILL SNAP HER NEC-" "Go right ahead." I mutter.In truth,i've only kept my mother around for Magnolia since she adores the old bat for reasons I still have yet to find out.

"Seriously,Mariana? I knew you were cold-hearted but that was just...twisted." breathes Vladimir."Eh." I say.

"I've done worse." I mumble bitterly."And out of curiousity since I am bored out of my mind,furious,and on a manhunt for my future wife...what is one of the worse things?"

I snicker."Well,I killed my own father while my mother watched,then I snapped my sisters neck,and then I turned my mom into a vampire so she will spend an eternity as a 76 year old bat."

I hear the wind blowing in the background of the call..thats how silent it is.What can I say? my father was drunk all the time and I was no longer his little princess,and my sister was pregnant and getting married to my only true love...and my mother?

Well...she had the nerve to compare me to my drunken,ruthless,and manipulative father...some of that is true but mother should have the nerve to say that.

"And your worried about me being a deadbeat husband? im surprised you haven't killed Magnolia yet." I sigh,"Magnolia is too dear to me to kill her...she's everything i'm not,and I could use some sunshine in my life..until you marry her,of course." I mumble.

"I also need some Magnolia sunshine."

There is another silence..this doesn't sound like i'm having a conversation with the ruthless vampire king but a normal person.

"Since your bored,and I am quite bored myself..who were your first five wives?" like he'll even remember their names...

"The first was Lizette Malfur,she was 17,and 19 when I had her beheaded for flirting with some other man..The second was Mary Dider,she was 16,and we were only a month into our marriage when I killed her for dancing with my guard-"

"Thats enough." I breathe...he seriously remembers their names,ages and reasons? does he like have a list? or a little black book?

He chuckles but then that fades."I must hang up,we are going to search some of the neighboring wolf packs and ask if they've seen anything."

I sigh bitterly."I guess I should search my mothers room for any clues as to where she was planning on going.."

The phone then hangs up.Not even a goodbye to your future mother-in-law?


I force my feet up the steps,and resist the urge to go into Magnolia's room and into my mothers.

Then realizing I haven't been in here in 9 years,I take a look around:Quilts on the matress,fluffy white pillows,persian rug,rocking chair in the corner,the wall painted an earthy green,a mahogny dresser to the side,and a fireplace wider then the closet door.

Wow...she even acts her age.

I dig through her dresser and only find sweaters,dresses,comfy looking mom jeans,and loafers.

Then my eyes land on something poking out of one of the shoes..I lift it in the air and study it carefully


She wants to bring Magnolia  to a location starting with C.....

But what is 'C?'


More soon,sorry if this chapter sucked :3

been busy,



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