Chapter 10:Devil's Den

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With that introduction,I jump slightly and turn to face a beautiful woman in a long black dress.

Is she going to kill me? does she work for Vladimir or my mother?

"I-I am not going to harm you,Magnolia..please hear me out." she whispers.I angle my whole body toward her and look around desperately for a weapon to defend myself need be.

She looks...dirty,frazzled,and in a long black ballgown..she could be a loon if not a helper.

"Who do you work for?" I demand.She sighs "I work for no one..but you must listen." she says calmly."Hold on,Penelope!" she then yells at no  one in particular.

My eyebrows raise..yep,definetely a loon."Um..." I say awkwardly looking for a way out of this."Do you have like schizophrenia?" I mumble.

She shakes her head.",its just- nevermind,anyway back on topic...I have some important things you might want to know."

I fold my could she help me? "My name is Sparrow...and I am your half-aunt." she says.I begin laughing like an idiot.Could my life get anymore complicated?

"How?" I say as I continue to laugh.She sighs "Your grandfather had an affair with a human...and as a result:Me.." she gestures to herself.

"Why are you so dirty and why are you here?" she sighs."The moment your grandmother found out about me she had me banished here." 

I could Grandmere be so cruel?

"Why are you telling me this?" I ask her.She shrugs "I really do not know..but Penelope says that you deserve to know...I doubted you would even believe me."

My eyebrows raise even higher."Who is Penelope?" she laughs "Oh,shes just a voice I hear inside my head."

So she is Schizoprhenic..."I'm normally always bad and have evil thoughts but Penelope balances me out with some of her good."

"So then your bipolar?" This is so confusing...

She shakes her head."No,no..focus!" she commands."At this point you cannot trust anyone." I roll my eyes.Already knew that.

"You are running to nowhere,Magnolia.Wherever you go death and betryal will follow you..."

I suddenly shiver...who says that?? "What the do you know that?"

She sighs "Penelope has all the answers.."

I gulp."What does Penelope see in my future?"

Her lips purse and she walks closer to me."She sees a life of...Misery."

My face goes paler then it normally is."Y-your lying.." I breathe.

"But,your future can just need to do exactly as I say." she wipes away a stray lock of brown hair from her face as I gulp.

At this point,i'll do anything...and since she is supposedly my half-aunt who's half-vampire maybe she only wishes me well...or she could be like everyone else in my 'family' who wishes me only death.

But,wait..shes not my aunt...Grandmere isn't my grandmother,and Mariana isn't my mom..I'm an orphan.

"You must free me so I will no longer roam these lonely woods...and Penelope can become a person and leave my head." she says.

I fold my hands over my chest,"How am I supposed to do that?" she sighs "Well,since it was Grandmere's curse and Mariana is her own blood either one of them could lift it."

I nod,how am I going to convince Mariana to lift it?...Or grandmere? I just ran from them.

"Now,to execute the first step of this plan you must go to Vladimir's mansion and wait for someone to find you."


she sighs."You have to sacrifice old things to earn new ones- after you are married I will take care of the rest from go,and trust me." she breathes.

I purse my lips..could I trust her?

I look into her brown eyes that are very different then my blue ones and nod mentally,they were dark but sincere.


She unexpectidly pulls me in for a hug and then releases me."Now,go."

This is it...

I'm walking willingly into the devil's den with the tiniest shred of hope a mouse will help me escape alive...


sorry for shortness,

Sorry if it sucked :O it gets better :3



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