{chapter five}

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we were on our way to that house that the guy told my dad about when i felt a hand go on my thigh. i looked down and saw that it was paytons hand. i looked up at him and smiled and he smiled back. i laid me head on his shoulder and he laid his head on mine.
when we got to the house we got out of the car and i grabbed my gun and my bat. the house was a two story in the middle of nowhere. when we were all ready we went to the front door. we checked if it was open and it was locked. everyone moved out of the way for me and with one hit with my bat i had broken it open.
dad- that's my girl
aaliyah- *giggles*
we opens the door and we walked down this hallway and we saw two men drinking at a mini bar.
payton and chris both lifted their guns and shot both of them like it was nothing. i raised my eyebrow and just thought impressive and we walked to a different room. we saw in the foyer was a man tied to a chair and three men standing in front of them. in the middle was definitely a dangerous guy.
bad guy- so you think that you can just steal my drugs and get away with it? that shipment was supposed to go to someone that could have my head on a platter! and now that he didn't get it yours is on the line..
captured guy- no no please!
bad guy- goodbye
and with that the two goons slit his throats and he choked and died. i remember what i was supposed to do and i walked out of our hiding spots and payton tried to hold me back but my dad stopped him and told him 'she'll be fine'.
aaliyah- hi boys!
they ran up to me and i got my bat and hit one of them in the head and then in the balls. then the other one grabbed me from behind but then there was a wall next to me so i climbed up it with my feet.
i then flipped to where he was basically in a back end and i kicked him and when i got free then i basked his head with my bat. i then got out my gun and shot them both in the head to make sure they were dead.
when i did my last shot i heard clapping from the bad guy. he had a wicked smile on his face and was clapping slowly and then stopped.
bad guy- well princess that was quite a show but those were my friends and you just killed them
aaliyah- well your friends tried to touch me and i don't like being touched so that was their fault
bad guy- well it's a shame that you are all alone
aaliyah- who said that?
then i snapped my fingers and my gang came out of hiding. the bad guy had wide eyes and stepped back. my father got in front of me and i went back with payton. he smiled at me and held my hand.
bad guy- wow group full of boys! what a slut
dad- well actually i'm her father! so you can shut the fuck up and tell me who the hell you are!
bad guy- why the hell would i tell you that?!
chris- because if you don't you're gonna get a forehead full of bullets
bad guy- well my name is...

𝘎𝘈𝘕𝘎- 𝘱𝘢𝘺𝘵𝘰𝘯 𝘮𝘰𝘰𝘳𝘮𝘦𝘪𝘦𝘳Where stories live. Discover now