Mabel Pov

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A month and a half has passed, and it's like a flip was switched. Dipper's been volunteering in class, he spends less time in his room and he's even whistling! The prospect of going somewhere we both felt accepted is bringing the old Dipper back.

Dad bought us our bus tickets about a week ago, and Dipper has kept his in his wallet ever since Dad gave it to him, and he's been practically humming with excitement ever since.

"Dipper, I'm getting a ride with Lacey, so don't wait up!" I call to him as I jump into her car. He waved from the his open bedroom window, shirtless and brushing his teeth.

"Ya know, your brothers kinda hot. Is he seeing anyone?" Lacey asked as we drove toward school.

"Nah, not really. But I think he's still hung up on a girl we know from Gravity Falls." I couldn't be sure, but the way he used to act, there has to be something there.

"Damn, that sucks. Now that he's over that gloomy phase of his, he's more attractive than ever!"

"Seriously? You know he's my brother, right? You can't just say that kind of stuff." I turned away from her and we rode the rest of the way in silence.

When we finally pull into the parking lot, I grab my stuff quickly and run inside, going to my locker and looking around for my brother. I see him sitting outside of his first period class reading a book on mysterious disappearances.

"Hey Dippin' Sauce. Whatcha' readin'"?

"Oh, it's this really great book on the top ten most mysterious occurrences in world history. The librarian ordered it for me and she just got it in! It's really interesting. It's almost as great as the journals back ho- I mean back in Gravity Falls." He was smiling as he told me about it and I couldn't help but smile along with him.

"So, are you all packed?" I nod, and he grins. 

"Yeah, I've been packed for  a while."

"Uh, I think you mean you've been packed ever since Dad said wee could go, Dip-stick." I can't help it and a snorting laugh leaves my mouth and we laugh together.

End of the day.

"So, wait why are you walking home with me instead of riding home with Lacey? Did you guys have a fight?"  I shove my hands into my jacket pockets and kick a stone and mumble.

"What'd you say? I couldn't quite catch that."

"Blargh! She said some really mean things about you. Like, she said that now that you're out of your "gloomy" phase you're "more attractive than ever." She was being so frickin' rude!" 

I look at my brother, and he's laughing!

"Wait, she thinks I'm more attractive now? I thought girls loved the depressed, loner bad boys."

"Well, apparently not!"

We laughed the rest of the way home, and it was like we were twelve again.

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