Mabel Pov

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Wendy and Dipper had been upstairs all day, and when I had looked in on them, they were asleep on the bed. I snapped a picture before sneaking back to the kitchen where everyone was talking.

"They're sleeping. And judging by the dried tear tracks on both their faces, he told her." I sat down beside Pacifica and cleared my throat. Grunkles Stan and Ford, Melody, Soos and Pacifica looked at me, waiting.

"My turn I guess." I was shaking slightly, and Pacifica took my hand. I took a deep breath.

"You guys all probably know by now that things weren't all cupcakes and rainbows when we went back to living with our mom and dad. But, mom abused us. She would pinch us, and yell at us, and she used to beat the shit out of Dipper. He's got scars, and he has nightmares about it. But I don't know everything she did to him. She wasn't as rough with me, as she was with him. But she used to scream at me, and she'd call me an ugly whore, a fat cow, and a whole mess of other names. She used to not let me eat, sometimes I'd go the entire weekend without eating." I started crying and I didn't look anyone in the eye. I took a deep breath and continued.

"But what she did to me wasn't as bad as what I did to myself. She- she made me feel so ugly and fat and worthless that I couldn't look at myself in the mirror. I had to start brushing my teeth over the toilet, because the thought of catching a glimpse of myself in the mirror was so revolting to me. I started- I started cutting myself, because it was the only way I could shut her up. She'd laugh at my scars and cuts, and afterwards she'd tell me that I was weak and cowardly. She- I almost-" I couldn't speak any longer. I could hear her voice, laughing at me and saying I was worthless. I was shaking so hard and I couldn't breathe. 

I felt a pair of arms around me, and a voice instructing me. Five things I could see. Table. Chair. Fridge. Stan. Melody. Four things I could hear. Birds chirping. Melody's voice. My breathing. Faucet dripping. Three things I could touch. Melody's arms around me. Floor under my feet. My sweater. Two things I could smell. Melody's perfume. Coffee. One thing I could taste. Fear.

I collapsed then, falling completely into Melody's arms and she held me to her chest. Pacifica rushed to us and I cried harder than I had ever cried before, and I could feel the trauma rushing through me. 

I sat back down and my sobs receded. Melody rubbed my back, and Pacifica held my hands in her's and I could feel her trembling.

"I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have broken down like that. I've been dealing with this for so long, you'd think I'd be used to it." I chuckled, and then Stan shoved his chair back so hard it hit the fridge behind him. 

"No, Mabel! You shouldn't have to be used to this! What your mother did to you two, I- I'll! If I ever see her, I'll make her regret ever laying a finger on you kids. I've gone to prison for less important reasons, I ain't afraid to do it again." He came over to me and wrapped me in a hug that only made me start crying again.

They all gathered around me, and I became part of the most loving group hug I had ever experienced. We only separated when someone cleared their throat.

We all looked over to see Dipper and Wendy standing in the kitchen doorway.

All it took was Soos scooting over some, and Ford opening an arm and they were swept up in our hug too.

After about ten minutes of hugging and crying, we all sat down and Dipper and I put everything out on the table. We laid it all out, and were met with the love of a family that would never leave us, never hurt us, always love us. We ended the night with Pacifica and Wendy staying over again. Dipper went to his room where he and Ford talked for a few minutes, and Stan talked to me. We all retired for the night, and I was so happy to have everything out in the open; no more secrets.

Hours later ~ midnight: Wendy's Pov

I had originally gone down stairs just to get a drink of water then go back to bed, but when Dipper came out to the kitchen at the same time, that plan changed.

"Hey." He leaned against the counter as I filled a glass from the sink.

"Hey." I couldn't help but notice how tired he looked. I took a drink and commented on his looks.

"No offense man, but you look like shit." I stuck my fingers in the water and flicked it at his face. He huffed and stole the glass from me and downed the rest of the water. I scoffed and hit him in the gut and we both stood there for a bit laughing before he spoke.

"Yeah, I'm guessing you know about the whole nightmare thing, right? I just had one, so that's probably why I look like shit. I think I'm just gonna go back to my room and read til morning, since I can never manage to go back to sleep after these things. Goodnight." He put the glass in the sink and started walking back to his room.

"Hey Dipper wait. If you're gonna be up the rest of the night, d'you want some company? I don't think I'll be going back to sleep anytime soon, so if you wanted to hang out, we could." He grinned and nodded. I felt my heartbeat speed up a little, and I motioned for him to follow me. We went into the gift shop and I pulled aside the curtain that hid the ladder.

"Stan still doesn't know that's there? Man, I figured he would've found it by now." I laughed and started climbing. The hatch stuck a little from not  being used, but I got it open with a quick hard upward shove. We climbed out onto the roof and sat on the edge, our shoulders and legs touching. I couldn't help but smile.

The stars were out, brighter than ever and I heard him take a deep breath  in and release it happily.

"I haven't been up here in a long time. It never felt right, after you left. This was kinda our thing, and it didn't feel the same without you." I nudged him with my shoulder and he laughed before nudging me back.

"You were right, you know. The whole talking abut trauma thing really did help. I feel like a weight just got lifted off of my shoulders. I feel like I can do anything." As if to prove his point, he let out a cry into the night air and I joined him, letting loose a howl of my own.

"I just- I don't know. I'm glad I did it, I just wish I'd done it sooner. I wish I'd kept talking to you too. I think that's the thing I regret the most. Letting go of you, when I probably should have held onto you." He grabbed my hand and intertwined our fingers. I smiled down at our linked hands and looked up to find him looking at me.

"Do you remember, before you guys left, you asked me a question. D'you remember what that question was?" I looked at him and smiled, hoping he remembered what he'd asked me. I couldn't see his face, but I figured he was blushing because that was what I was doing.

"Yeah, I do. Uh, I guess, Wendy, do you want to got out with me?" I nodded, but I don't think he saw it, because he was looking at the ground.

"Yes." I whispered and I could see the glow of his teeth  in the moonlight. We stayed up there the rest of the night, talking and being together.

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