Third Person Pov

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Mabel woke up to Pacifica shaking her. She opened her eyes and looked up at the other girl's  smiling face and smiled. 

"Morning Sleepy head. Get up, Stan's given us the day off and you and I are going out." Mabel took the hand she offered and stood. Pacifica looked gorgeous. She had her hair up in a high ponytail and she was wearing cutoff jean shorts and a tank top, but to Mabel she looked like a million bucks. 

Mabel got dressed and brushed her teeth and together they headed down the stairs. Pacifica grabbed Mabel's hand and the two girls walked out the door after waving goodbye to Stan and Ford. Mabel tried to ignore the jolt holding Pacifica's hand sent to her heart, but it was hard.

"So what are we doing today?" Mabel felt happy that morning, and she was excited to see what Pacifica had planned. She looked over at her and mimed locking her lips.

"Oh really? Ok, don't tell me, surprises are better anyway." She laughed and it sounded like happiness in a bottle. It sent little shock waves through her heart. They walked down the road, still holding hands, with Pacifica taking the lead and the brunette couldn't help the grin that grew across her face.

"What are you smiling like that for? I haven't told you where we're going yet." She pulled her off the road and down a trail.

"I don't know, I guess I'm just happy today. Dipper and I don't have to hide anything anymore, I'm here in Gravity Falls with people who actually care about me, and I'm here with you. I can't think of anything that could make me happier." Pacifica blushed and they kept walking down the trail.

"This is a secret. I don't think anyone else in Gravity Falls knows about this place, at least I've never heard anyone talk about it or seen anyone here. I found this place a short while after my mom and dad left for school." 

She lead Mabel further down the trail and into a clearing. There were wildflowers growing everywhere and and the air seemed clearer. It was beautiful. Pacifica walked to a big rock and sat down on it and she followed her.

"So what d'you think? It's gorgeous, isn't it?" She stretched her legs out and looked up at the sky, looking serene.

"Yeah, beautiful." Mabel kept her eyes on her friend, and felt her cheeks heating up in a blush when the blonde caught her looking.

"What? Do I have something on my face?" She reached up and wiped her cheek. When her hand came back clean, she turned.

"Did I get it?"

"There was nothing there in the first place. Sorry. Didn't mean to stare." She shook her head and laughed.

"I missed you." Mabel looked up at her, she was smiling slightly and looking down at her with a look of melancholy on her face.

"You used to text me everyday, even when I didn't want to hear it. But you wore me down and eventually, we became friends. And I started to look forward to our daily text conversations. But then it stopped, and I guess that was when the crap with your mom started. And I started to realize how lonely I actually was." She grabbed the other girl's hand and held it close as she continued.

"I mean, the friends I did have ditched me when we lost our fortune. After I started working at the Mystery Shack, Wendy and I started hanging out more. So when I saw you and Dipper at the diner, I almost burst into tears because you were finally back, and I'd have my best friend back. And now that you're back, I'm so scared I'm gonna wake up in the morning and you'll be gone." 

Mabel looked over to her in surprise.

"Paz, I'm never leaving you again. I'm sorry we lost touch, but you have to believe me when I say that it's never gonna happen again."

She had tears running down her cheeks and Mabel scooted over to hug her, holding her tightly and she wrapped her arms around her tightly. Years from then, neither girl would be able to recall exactly who moved first, but when their lips met in a tender kiss, they stopped thinking.

Cherry chap-stick coated lips met soft ones as they seemed to melt together as the heat between them increased. Mabel could feel her stomach twist in the most delightful of ways, and she could only hope that Pacifica was experiencing the same feelings.

Pacifica felt a hand reach up and cup her cheek and hold her close. She smiled into the kiss and felt her cheeks heating up considerably. As they sat there in the sunshine, neither girl could think of anywhere else they would have rather been, or anyone they'd have rather been with.

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