Dipper Pov

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Wendy and I were sitting in the gift shop, waiting for people to start coming in to buy some of Stan's overpriced stuff. We were playing I Spy-Mystery Shack Edition. 

"Ok, uhm, I spy something that has... three eyes!" I looked around the shop trying to find something that could match Wendy's clue.

"Aha! The tri-clopes! That's the only thing here that has three eyes." I pointed to the lady mannequin head Stan had mounted on the body of a buff sports mannequin. 

"Ah, you got it! Ok, dude your turn." She elbowed me in the side and chuckled. I turned and looked around the room.

"Alright, prepare yourself. I Spy something that is... out of place." She jolted up and smacked my shoulder.

"Are you kidding me? Everything in here is out of place. I need something to go off of." I laughed and shook my head. She huffed and looked around. I knew she was smart enough to find it, she just had to think about it.

"Um, excuse me, do you have this in a larger size?" We both looked to a man standing by the t-shirt rack, holding up a shirt to his chest. It didn't look like it would fit him in a million years. I leaned in close to Wendy.

"Watch. This." I whispered before strutting over to him.

"My good sir! Do you realize what you're holding in your hands right there? That is true blue, genuine West-eastern mountain goat cotton; the rarest of the cottons!" I grabbed it out of his hands and stretched it a little before continuing.

"As you can see, this material stretches excellently! This fabric breathes better than anything else, and we are offering it to you at the incredibly fair price of," I looked at the tag on the rack, "$40.50! Do you understand what a steal this is?" I had the guy hooked, and Wendy was trying so hard not to laugh.

"You're right! This is a steal! I'll take six!" I grabbed five more and he walked to the register where Wendy rang him out. He walked out happily and when he was clear, we both started laughing so hard we were near tears. Stan walked in at that moment and called us out for laughing on the job.

"Stan, you won't believe this." Wendy cried between bursts of laughter.

"Dipper just sold six of the question mark shirts for $40. 50 each! Dude has mad skills!"

Stan did a double take at the money in the register and looked back at me. His face broke out in the biggest grin and he crowed.

"You scammed some schmuck out of 243 dollars? Oh my god, you're a genius!" He grabbed me in a bear hug and we all cracked up.

Time Skip- Dinner time

We were all gathered in the kitchen and Mabel was helping Pacifica make dinner. Stan, Ford, Soos and Melody had gone out to the bar to hang out, so Mabel and I had invited Wendy and Pacifica to stay for the evening. Wendy and I were sitting at the table talking.

"So, I never did get to ask, why did you stop talking to me? I kinda figured that maybe you didn't want to be friends with me anymore." She looked down and I noticed that she was picking at her fingernails like I do. I grabbed her hand and held it so she'd look at me.

"Wendy, all I've ever wanted is to be around you. I would never not want to be your friend. I was- I was going through a lot of stuff, and I didn't know how to keep being the Dipper everyone knew. I'm sorry we lost touch," she squeezed my hand and I continued.

"I just- I just didn't want to disappoint anyone anymore." I wanted to get away from this, she was making me remember everything and the memories were screaming in my head. I got up and left the table and walked into my room and sat down on my bed. Wendy followed me in and pulled the chair from my desk and sat across from me. 

"Dipper, just tell me what's going on. What are you so afraid of telling me?" I couldn't take it anymore, all the protests flooding through my mind,and I shot off my bed at that and slammed the door shut. When I turned back to Wendy, she was looking at me with wide open eyes.

"You don't get it, Wendy! I'm not the same Dipper that I was four years ago! I'm fucked up." I grabbed my hair and pulled at it, trying to calm down.

"I've got scars all across my body that I got for being "disobedient"! You know who gave them to me? My mother! She used to do all kinds of messed up shit to me. She burned me with cigarettes, she cut me with a kitchen knife, she even stabbed me! I'm the one who took all of her shit because I wasn't about to let her fuck Mabel up too. Nobody knows about these scars, not even Mabel. And she doesn't know because I didn't let her know! My mother used me as her own personal punching bag for half a year!  I didn't sleep for months after she disappeared, because I was afraid she was gonna come back and hurt Mabel. I have tried to be the old Dipper, but I can't! That kid died years ago."

My vision was going black. There wasn't enough air in my room. I had to get out. I couldn't breathe in there. I turned around fast and ran out the door, through the kitchen and outside. I ran, and I ran until I couldn't run anymore, I couldn't hear anyone calling my name anymore. All I could hear was the sound of rain softly hitting the ground as I sat down of a park bench.

I couldn't hold it back anymore, and I started crying. I put my head in my hands and sobbed, letting everything out. All the anger, and anguish I had been holding in for all these years. I let it out. I cried until my throat was raw and my head was pounding.

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