Dipper Pov

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Finally! We're going home! I've been waiting for this day for 3 years. I can't wait to get back to where I belong, with Grunkle Stan and Ford, and Soos and Melody, and Pacifica and... Wendy. oh Wendy. I stopped responding to her texts when mom started her crap. I just couldn't keep up the hope of being with Wendy when my life was so hopeless.

But now that my life is looking up, maybe she'll take me seriously.


"Hey Wendy, d'you think there will ever be a day where , ya know, we might be able to, ya know, maybe go on a... date?" I rubbed the back of my neck and tried to look away from her, but she knelt down and placed her hand on my shoulder.

"Hey man, I care about you, a lot. So, maybe some time in the future, ask me again. And I'm gonna hold you to that." Then she stood up and walked back in to the Mystery Shack.

End Flashback

"I hope she remembers."

"Hope who remembers what? Who ya talking to Dip-dop?" Mabel popped out of her room and I jumped, almost dropping my duffle bag. Trying to come up with something, I shove Wendy's hat on my head so I don't forget it.

"No one! Nothing, I didn't do anything!" She snorted and walked down the hall, and I followed her out the door, where dad was waiting to take us to the bus station. 

"You two all ready? I didn't tell anyone you were coming, just like you asked Mabes." 

"Why don't you want anyone to know we're coming?" I ask as we jump in the car, and dad pulls out of the driveway.

"Well, I was thinking we could surprise everyone, so I told Grunkle Stan that I was sending a package that arrives today around the time we'll get there."

I laugh as we pull into the bus station parking lot, and we park.  Dad pulls us together before we could unload the car and gave us a hug.

"I just want you two to know how much I love you, and I want you to always remember that I am so proud of you." We hugged him and I saw Mabel wipe away a few tears. We finish our hug and take our stuff to the bus. We sit and wave goodbye to our dad through the bus window as the bus pulls away.

Several Hours Later

"Hey Grunkle Stan! Yeah, the delivery service says the package just arrived. Ok, you'll be down to get it in about ten minutes? OK. Yeah, I love you too. Bye!" We sat down with everything and Mabel ended the call.

"So we've got about ten-ish minutes before Grunkle Stan comes to pick us up. You want to play a game?" She started to pull a deck of cards from her bags, but I cut her off.

"Actually, I'm gonna go get something to drink. Do you want anything?" I stood up and jogged toward the pavilion.

"Pitt-Cola, please!" I wave and start pulling the money out of my wallet as I got to the machine. I tried to straighten the bills out and I heard something rustling in the bushes nearby.

I reached to the back of my jeans to grab my buck knife from its sheath. I crept toward the still rustling bushes and held my knife in  defensive grip as I pulled the branch aside to reveal...

A gnome. Jeff the gnome to be specific.

"Huh! Do my eyes deceive me, or is the Great Dipper Pines back in Gravity Falls?" Jeff exclaimed as he scrambled out of the bush and I knelt down to shake his hand.

"Yeah Jeff. Me and Mabel are back in town for the summer. We're staying at the Mystery Shack with Stan and Ford like we used to." 

"Mabel is here?!" He began to jump up and down and clapping. 

"Please Dipper, may I say hello? We gnomes have missed her so!" The little guy seemed so excited, I couldn't say no. 

"Yeah sure, she's over there on the bench." As Jeff waddled over to Mabel, I went back to the machine to get the drinks. I walk back to see them talking eagerly about what they've been doing. We talk for a few minutes before Jeff gets down from the bench.

"Well, I better go. Shembulock gets anxious if I'm gone for too long. I'll see you two later!"

"Bye Jeff!" We call as the little guy ran to the bush.

"Ugh, I can't wait to finally see Grunkle Stan and Ford! And Soos!" I take a drink of my soda and sigh, loving the thought of being home.

"Don't forget about Wendy!" Mabel pulled the letter Wendy gave me the last time we were here and we looked at it happily. Then the sound of a junky old truck came up the road.

"Oh my Gosh! They're coming! Quick! Turn around so they don't recognize us!" We turned around quickly and waited. A few moments later, the truck stopped and the doors opened and shut.

"Hey, uh, you two seen a package around here? Might be addressed to the Mystery Shack?" I laughed as Grunkle Stan walked toward us, not recognizing us.

"Hey! You two deaf or something? Hello?!" He put a hand on Mabel and I's shoulders and we turned at the same time and yelled, "Boo!"

"AAAHHHHH!" Stan ran away and looped back toward us. Ford came running and they froze in place, staring at us.

"Surprise! We're back for the summer! I got you, didn't I? Ah, you should'a seen your faces!" Mabel cheered before we were both swept up in a group hug.

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