Mabel Pov

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Later that night, I was getting ready for bed when I heard something crash downstairs in Dipper's room. Thinking the worst, I hurried down the stairs to find Dipper's window open and him sitting on the ledge, peering into the woods.

"What was that noise, Dip?" I crept in and climbed up beside him.

"Oh, I was trying to get a gnome out of my room. He was trying to steal my toothpaste. Said he needed it for Shmebulock's hair."  He laughs and I nudge him with my shoulder. I can see one of his tattoos peaking out of the sleeve of his t-shirt.

"You never did tell me why you got that one." He looks at what I'm talking about and rolls his sleeve up a bit. It's simple, really. Two black peaks, one on top of another.

"It's a viking symbol that means create your own reality. I got it about a year after mom disappeared. It's meant to remind me that nothing controls what I do with my life but me."

He smiled as he finished and took a deep breath and sighed happily.

"God I missed this place so much." I couldn't help it, a yawn escaped my mouth and I rubbed my eyes.

"Well Bro-bro, I need to go to sleep. Got a very fun day ahead of us tomorrow, goodnight!"

Night-time time skip

Dipper Pov

I woke up before anyone else, it was probably about ten o'clock, and got dressed to go for a walk in the woods. I was wearing a tank top and basketball shorts. Wendy's hat was on my head, where it would stay until I saw her again. I wanted to go see if the forest had changed any in the four years we'd been away. As I made my way through, I started remembering all my favorite places.

Birds were chirping, squirrels were chattering and I heard gnomes fighting in the bushes a ways away. I was walking toward town and I heard people talking. The voices sounded familiar and when I stepped out of the tree line, I saw Lee, Nate, Thompson, Tambry and Robbie standing in the cemetery. 

"Oh, my god! Dipper? Is that you?" Tambry had interrupted the guys talking and turned everyone's attention toward me.

"Dr. Fun-Times? Oh my god dude you're back!" They all ran over to me, even Robbie.

"Hey guys! Yeah, Mabel and I are back for the summer. We're staying at the shack and we're gonna be working there." We all hugged and we all began walking back to the cemetery. We all laid down and were talking for a while. 

"Hey guys! I'm back with the sodas. Who's that next to you Lee?"

I sat up and turned to the voice and saw Wendy. She looked just as beautiful as ever, with her long red hair and freckles. She had changed some, since I'd last seen her. The bottom half of her head was shaven, and the rest of her hair was in a ponytail. She was wearing a tank-top and I caught a glimpse of a hatchet tattoo on her forearm. And, I happily noticed, she was wearing my hat.

I stood up and waved.

"Hey, Wendy. Long time no see. How have you been?" She looked at me, puzzled.

"Uh," She walked towards me and I looked down at her, seeing as I was now about six inches taller than her. Thinking quickly, I grabbed the hat she'd given me and showed it to her.

"Oh my god! Dipper!" She dropped the bag of sodas she was carrying and ran toward me and we crashed together in a hug. I wrapped my arms around her and we held each other. The gang started talking and cracking jokes.

"I can't believe it, when did you get back in town?" She stood back and we looked at each other and I couldn't ignore the way my heart swelled looking at her. I couldn't help but smile at her beautiful face.

"Mabel and I got in yesterday. We're gonna be here for the full summer, and we'll be working at the shack." She grinned and laughed.

"Hey, we'll be colleagues!" We grinned and sat down back in the circle, with Lee making room for Wendy to sit beside me.

"Hey Dr. Fun-Times, is that a couple tattoos I see?"

Nate gestured to the tattoos on either of my arms. 

"Well, this one," I gestured to the one on my right arm, the one Mabel had asked about last night,"is a reminder that my reality is up to me to decide."

I then gestured to the collection of tattoos on my left arm. 

"The shooting star is for Mabel, it's from her favorite sweater. The six-fingered hand is for Great Uncle Ford, and the fez is for Stan. This question mark is for Soos. And, uh,the hatchet is uh, for you, Wendy." I scratched the back of my head, and chuckled lightly.

"Aww! You two got tattoos for each other! That's so cute!" Tambry pulled her phone out and snapped a picture and posted a status update. I looked at Wendy in surprise.

"You have a tattoo for me? What is it?" She motioned to her side and rolled up her tank-top, where I saw an outline of a pine tree with the big dipper constellation above it and my name beneath it.

"Wow. That is so well done. Who did it? You gotta give me their name!" She laughed and motioned toward Robbie.

"Robbie got his certs. And he's got his own parlor in town. He's great." Robbie blushed lightly and I grinned at him.

"Hey, Robbie. Can we talk later? I have an idea for a new tattoo, and since you're obviously good, I'd like to talk to you about doing it." He nodded and we all went back to talking about whatever.

All the while, I sat and shot glances at Wendy from the corner of my eyes. She was so gorgeous and I couldn't help the spark of hope that bloomed in my chest.

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